Op-Ed / / 09.24.19

John Prendergast in African Arguments: From Sledgehammer to Scalpel: How Foreign Powers Can Support Sudan

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Note: This op-ed originally appeared in African Arguments and was written by John Prendergast, Co-Founder of The Sentry.

During this small window of opportunity for real transformation, the US and others must support the new government and help tackle spoilers.

The remarkable recent events in Sudan culminating in the formation of a civilian government earlier this month provides real hope for the country’s future. But there are also significant precedents warning against premature celebration. The Arab Spring also toppled long-ruling dictators, but soon gave way to counter-revolution and the re-establishment of the previous violent kleptocratic networks.

Sudan now faces similar challenges. Mass protests forced the removal of Omar al-Bashir after 30 years of rule this April, which was followed by months of negotiations between military leaders and the popular movement. A power-sharing deal was finally struck in August followed by the swearing in of a new government the following month…

Click here to read the full op-ed.