Blog / / 04.03.20

The Sentry Makes Submission to United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights on the Links Between Corruption, Business and Human Rights

Last month The Sentry made a submission to the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights (also known as Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises) as part of its inquiry into corruption, business and human rights. The Working Group is mandated to promote the effective and comprehensive dissemination and implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Sentry’s submission argues that unquestionable links exist between corruption, business and human rights. These links result in the leaders of violent kleptocracies and their inner circle acquiring vast personal wealth and power whilst innocent civilians suffer in some of the world’s most deadly conflicts. The submission sets out three effective but relatively underutilised tools of financial pressure that can help curtail corrupt leaders’ exploitation of their countries: (i) robust, effective and coherent global sanctions policies (ii) improved anti-money laundering compliance and (iii) coherent and strategic law enforcement measures.

You can read The Sentry’s full submission here.

You can read The Sentry Managing Director Brad Brooks-Rubin’s recent blog post enclosed in the submission here.

You can read the reports The Sentry enclosed in its submission here (The Taking of South Sudan), here (Fuelling Atrocities) and here (Fear Inc).

You can read more about the work of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights here.