Browse the latest news stories from around the world featuring the The Sentry and our work countering financial crime and preventing crimes against humanity.


For media inquiries, please contact Greg Hittelman, Director of Communications: [email protected]


January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

December 2024

Libya Express (December 21, 2024): Report alleges corruption in Derna reconstruction

Wall Street Journal (December 18, 2024): Russia Withdraws Air-Defense Systems, Other Advanced Weaponry From Syria to Libya

The Association of trade finance compliance professionals (ATFCP) (December 16, 2024): President Salva Kiir accused by NGO of using TBML in strategy to capture state assets

Carnegie Endowment (December 12, 2024): Assad’s Downfall Echoes Across the Mediterranean

Africa Confidential (December 10, 2024): Assad’s exit could push Russia into Haftar’s arms

November 2024

AFP (November 22, 2024): South Sudan rejects ‘malicious’ report on Kiir family businesses

Sudans Post (November 21, 2024): Kiir’s office dismisses report implicating first family in corrupt business practices

October 2024

The Economist (October 17, 2024): How Wagner survived Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death

September 2024

Associated Press (September 11, 2024): The US-Russia battle for influence in Africa plays out in Central African Republic

August 2024

July 2024

Reuters  (July 24, 2024) Illicit banknotes in east Libya, some made by Russia, hit dinar

Al Jazeera (July 10, 2024) ‘We now face guns’: Small-scale miners fear Wagner’s advances in CAR

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

Associated Press (April 2, 2024): Former rebels in Central African Republic disarm but face few options. Wagner is one of them

March 2024

BBC World Service Radio “Newshour” (March 27, 2024): The conflict in Sudan

February 2024

Bloomberg (February 7, 2024): The Odyssey of the Queen Majeda

Globe & Mail (February 7, 2024): Former Libyan envoy who safeguarded Gadhafi files begged Canada for help before his arrest

January 2024

German Foreign Policy (January 26, 2024): Kein günstiges Hinterland

Undark Magazine (January 24, 2024): How the World’s Deadliest Crises Go Unseen


January 2023 | February 2023 | March 2023 | April 2023 | May 2023 | June 2023 | July 2023 | August 2023 | September 2023 | October 2023 | November 2023 | December 2023

December 2023

Spiegel (December 11, 2023): How a brutal torture militia became Europe’s new henchman

November 2023

Le Monde (November 27, 2023): En Libye, l’essor de la « kleptocratie » en toute « impunité »

The New York Times (November 26, 2023): Battle for Influence Rages in Heart of Wagner’s Operations in Africa

October 2023

Washington Post (October 6, 2023): How government neglect, misguided policies doomed Libya to deadly floods

September 2023

The New York Times (September 27, 2023): Years of Graft Doomed 2 Dams in Libya, Leaving Thousands in Muddy Graves

CNN (September 18, 2023): What Wagner’s post-Prigozhin future looks like on the ground in the Central African Republic

Associated Press (September 6, 2023): US imposes sanctions on Sudanese paramilitary leader for human rights abuses in months long conflict

August 2023

Associated Press (August 26, 2023):Russia’s Wagner mercenaries face uncertainty after the presumed death of their leader in plane crash

Nyheter (August 24, 2023): Eksperter usikre på Wagners framtid – tror leiesoldatene fortsatt kan bli brukt

El Periodico (August 24, 2023): El grupo Wagner mutará con afines a Putin tras quedar descabezado y mantendrá su actividad en África

Financial Times (August 23, 2023): Wagner’s future in Africa in question after Russian mutiny

July 2023

Journal de Bangui (July 22, 2023): RCA : le gouvernement menace de poursuivre l’Ong Sentry en justice

Telegrafi (July 21, 2023): Si mund të vrasë Perëndimi, virusin Wagner?

Pachodo (July 21, 2023): UK Sanctions Six Companies in Sudan Conflict

Abc News (al) (July 20, 2023): Lufta në Ukrainë/ George Clooney: Wagner është “virusi” që Perëndimi duhet të shfarosë

SINDOnews (July 20, 2023): George Clooney Serukan Pembongkaran Wagner Group Rusia

Sa Defenza (July 20, 2023): George Clooney chiede lo ‘smantellamento’ di Wagner PMC

Yahoo! (July 19, 2023): What it means: Wagner chief’s first public appearance since failed rebellion

News (July 19, 2023): George Clooney appelle au “démantèlement” de Wagner PMC

Política Exterior (July 19, 2023): El virus de Wagner sigue vivo en África

VOA Venezuela (July 19, 2023): ¿Qué es la Fundación Clooney para la Justicia y cómo investiga crímenes graves en Venezuela?

Der Freitag (July 19, 2023): Wagners Macht in Afrika: “Wie ein Virus, das sich ausbreitet”

RT News (July 19, 2023): George Clooney calls for dismantling of Wagner PMC

The Economist (July 17, 2023): George Clooney and John Prendergast on how the West can kill the Wagner virus

Washington Times (July 14, 2023): Post-mutiny, Wagner Group mercenaries still a threat in Africa, Middle East

Handelsblatt (July 14, 2023): Schwindet jetzt Moskaus Einfluss in Zentralafrika?

Globe Echo (July 14, 2023): “At Least 250 Mercenaries” Of The Wagner Group Have Left The Central African Republic

Le Monde (July 14, 2023): « Au moins 250 mercenaires » du Groupe Wagner sont partis de Centrafrique

The Nation (July 12, 2023): What the Failed Wagner Mutiny Means for Africa

Luxemburger Wort (July 12, 2023): Wie Russland einen Staat im Herzen Afrikas kapert

Leipzinger Volkszeitung (July 12, 2023): Zentralafrikanische Republik das terrorlabor der Wagner soeldner (July 11, 2023): “Najemnicy Prigożyna wracają z Afryki, bo Putin chce kontrolować Grupę Wagnera? “Możliwe są czystki”

VRT NWS (July 9, 2023): Honderden Wagner-huurlingen vertrekken uit Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek: “Geen definitief vertrek” (July 8, 2023): Ile Maurice: Offshore | Pointée du doigt par The Sentry – Capital Horizons contre-attaque

Info Start (July 8, 2023): Az orosz állam “átveheti” a Wagnert Afrikában

NBC News (July 8, 2023): Is Russia purging Wagner Group troops in Africa?

Il Giornale dell’Arte (July 8, 2023): Nuove immagini: l’impatto ecologico della fotografia

Guardian (July 6, 2023): ‘It is like a virus that spreads’: business as usual for Wagner group’s extensive Africa network

The Intelligence from the Economist (July 5, 2023): Group dynamics: Wagner in Africa

Slate.FR (July 5, 2023): L’avenir trouble du Groupe Wagner en Afrique

Taz Die Tageszeitung (July 5, 2023): Krieg in Sudan: Der Horror in Darfur nimmt kein Ende

La Svolta (July 4, 2023): Africa: quale sarà il destino del Gruppo Wagner?

Agence Ecofin (July 3, 2023): En Centrafrique, comment Wagner contrôle l’État et pille les ressources naturelles par la terreur (rapport)

Dagsavisen (July 2, 2023): Eksperter: Her kan Wagner-gruppen nå være svekket

TV2 Nyheter (July 2, 2023): Ekspert: – Et signal fra Moskva

Mondafrique (July 1, 2023): Centrafrique, les dérives autoritaires du président Touadéra

Washington Post (July 1, 2023): After mutiny, Kremlin looks to unwind holdings tied to Wagner mercenary boss

Mondafrique (July 1, 2023): Best of Wagner (volet 6), la mine centrafricaine de Ndassima

June 2023

INyheter (June 30, 2023): Wagner rekrutterer fortsatt tross mytteri

Estadão (June 30, 2023): Motim do Grupo Wagner coloca em xeque operações da Rússia no coração da África

Radio Taiwan International (June 30, 2023): 一日兵變落幕後 瓦格納在非洲的未來

Nettavisen (June 29, 2023): Putins Wagner-problem: – Monsteret vil utvikle seg, men det kommer ikke til å dø

NPR PRI The World (June 29, 2023): The present and future of Wagner in Africa

Le Point (June 29, 2023): « Avec Wagner, le président Touadéra a fait entrer le loup dans la bergerie »

Berliner Zeitung (June 29, 2023): Präsidentenberater von Zentralafrika: „Würden statt Wagners auch Beethovens oder Mozarts nehmen“

Valor Econômico (June 29, 2023): Motim põe em dúvida futuro do império Wagner na África

I News (June 29, 2023): Wagner will struggle in Africa after failed coup – and that could benefit Britain

Newslist (June 29, 2023): Absolut înfricoșător! Lecțiile predate de Wagner în Africa: cum să smulgi unghii și să tai mâini, degete și picioare

Yahoo! 奇摩新聞 (June 28, 2023): 俄國內亂後,瓦格納在非洲的勢力會瓦解嗎?《經濟學人》:非洲人怎麼看莫斯科是關鍵

VOA Turkiye (June 28, 2023): Silah sevkiyatı, binlerce savaşçı ve altın anlaşmaları: Wagner’in Afrika’daki varlığı

Aktualnosci News (June 28, 2023): Nieudana rewolta Wagnera pozostawia w Afryce pytanie: czy bezwzględni najemnicy pozostaną? (June 28, 2023): Šiurpi žinia, ką „Wagner“ daro Afrikoje – Mokslo ir technologijų pasaulis

L’ Opinione delle Libertà (June 28, 2023): REPORT WAGNER CENTRAFRICA

El Destape (June 28, 2023): Los mercenarios de Wagner continuarán peleando en África para Rusia

Teknomers Nouvelles (June 28, 2023): L’avenir de Wagner en Afrique en question après la mutinerie russe

Les nouvelles les plus importantes de la journée (June 28, 2023): Les États-Unis ciblent les associés du groupe Wagner en Afrique avec des sanctions

ABC News (June 28, 2023): Russia says Wagner’s operations and military support in Africa ‘will continue’

Deutsche Welle (June 28, 2023): Qui sont les hommes de Wagner ?

Sky News (June 28, 2023): Wagner Group’s ‘campaign of terror’ in Africa

Sky News (June 28, 2023): The African nation where Prigozhin’s Wagner Group has been ‘perfecting a nightmarish blueprint for state capture’

Deutsche Welle (June 28, 2023): Wagner et son implantation en Centrafrique

Inter France / Radio France (June 28, 2023): Quel futur pour la milice Wagner en Afrique ? avec Vincent Hugeux, Nyagalé Bagayoko, Lou Osborn

AfricaNews with AFP (June 28, 2023): Failed Wagner revolt leaves a question in Africa: Will the ruthless mercenaries remain?

The Week (June 28, 2023): How Wagner’s rebellion affects the rest of the world

All Africa (June 27, 2023): Central African Republic: BREAKING REPORT: Wagner Group Captures African State as Russian Beachhead in Ultraviolent Terror Campaign

News 24 (June 27, 2023): Wagner a dirigé des massacres et formé des militaires à « brûler des gens vivants » en Afrique centrale : la sentinelle

Les Actualités (June 27, 2023): Groupe Wagner responsable de la torture, des meurtres et de l’exploitation effrénée des ressources en Afrique | Nouvelles du monde

Mein Stuttgart (June 27, 2023): Wagner trainierte afrikanische Milizen, um „Menschen bei lebendigem Leib zu verbrennen“, heißt es in den Ermittlungen

Telegraph (June 27, 2023): Wagner trained African militia to ‘burn people alive’, investigation claims

Die heutigen Nachrichten (June 27, 2023): Wagner führte Massaker an und trainierte Militärs, wie man in Zentralafrika „Menschen bei lebendigem Leib verbrennt“: The Sentry

Welingelichte Kringen (June 27, 2023): Wagnergroep gebruikt Afrika als terreur-laboratorium: ‘We doden dorpelingen en gooien ze in de bosjes’

Radio France International (June 27, 2023): Un rapport de The Sentry accable Wagner et décrypte son rôle en Centrafrique

Politico (June 27, 2023): U.S. targets Wagner Group associates in Africa with sanctions

Deutsche Welle (June 27, 2023): The Sentry analyse la stratégie du Groupe Wagner en RCA


The Economist (June 27, 2023): What next for Wagner’s African empire?

Foreign Policy (June 27, 2023): U.S. Levies New Sanctions on Wagner Group

Bloomberg Línea (June 27, 2023): Mercenarios de Wagner dirigieron masacres en República Centroafricana: The Sentry

Bloomberg (June 27, 2023): Russia’s Wagner Group Led Central Africa Massacres: Sentry

Daily Maverick (June 27, 2023): Wagner mercenaries have entirely captured Central African Republic, The Sentry report finds

BBC Radio: Newshour (June 27, 2023): Wagner: Putin claims Russia avoided civil war


Mot the Gioi (June 27, 2023): Tương lai Wagner tại châu Phi

Financial Times (June 27, 2023): Wagner’s future in Africa in question after Russian mutiny

Associated Press (June 27, 2023): Failed Wagner revolt leaves a question in Africa: Will the ruthless mercenaries remain?

The New York Times (June 27, 2023): Wagner mercenaries have turned the Central African Republic into a ‘laboratory of terror.’

De Standard (June 27, 2023): De Wagnermethode in Afrika: ‘Iedereen verkrachten en afmaken, ook vrouwen en kinderen’

Le Monde (June 27, 2023): Comment Wagner a renforcé son contrôle en Centrafrique, malgré la guerre en Ukraine

Global News (June 26, 2023): Russia tries to show Prigozhin’s Wagner “rebellion” over with Shoigu back in command of Ukraine war

The Guardian (June 26, 2023): Wagner mercenaries will not be withdrawn from Africa, says Russia

CBS News (June 26, 2023): Russia tries to show Prigozhin’s Wagner “rebellion” over with Shoigu back in command of Ukraine war

CBS News (June 26, 2023): Russia tries to show Prigozhin’s Wagner “rebellion” over with Shoigu back in command of Ukraine war

Daily Maverick (June 24, 2023): After a day of high drama, Yevgeny Prigozhin makes a deal with Putin, orders Wagner mercenary army U-turn

Arab News (June 17, 2023): Could African regional bodies provide a workable road map to peace in Sudan?

Actu Cameroun (June 16, 2023): Les activites « illégales » du groupe Castel en Afrique

Die Zeit (June 14, 2023): Als die Teufel auf Pferden kamen

Just Security (June 5, 2023): Two Experts Debate the Path Forward on Sudan

May 2023

Cali today (May 29, 2023): Mỹ cáo buộc lính đánh thuê Tập đoàn Wagner của Nga châm ngòi cho chiến tranh ở Sudan

DayFR Italian (May 28, 2023): L’inviato delle Nazioni Unite sul sedile caldo in Sudan

Stiri pe surse (May 28, 2023): Şeful armatei din Sudan solicită înlocuirea emisarului ONU. Care ete motivul acestei solicitări

Associated Press (May 28, 2023): Sudan military ruler seeks removal of UN envoy in letter to UN chief, who is ‘shocked’ by the demand

Convergences révolutionnaires (May 28, 2023): Le groupe Castel soupçonné de complicité de crimes de guerre et contre l’humanité

NBC News (May 26, 2023): U.S. accuses Russia’s Wagner Group mercenaries of fueling war in Sudan

Franceinfo (May 26, 2023): VIDEO. Pourquoi le groupe français Castel, géant français de la boisson, est dans le viseur

BFMTV (May 26, 2023): Pourquoi le parquet national antiterroriste enquête sur le groupe français Castel

Radio France International (May 26, 2023): Le groupe français Castel dans le viseur du parquet antiterroriste

Turkish Aawsa (May 25, 2023): Sudan’ın önündeki en büyük savaş

Tek Deeps (May 24, 2023): The biggest battle for Sudan…

O VOO DO CORVO (May 17, 2023): Português mais rico do mundo oculta grande parte da fortuna

The Hill (May 16, 2023): South Sudan is facing a cascade of chaos

Le Point (May 5, 2023): En Afrique, la guerre de la bière est déclarée

Bloomberg (May 2, 2023): The Sentry Claims Zimbabwe Leaders Got Payment From Chrome Miner

PRI’s The World with Marco Werman (May 1, 2023): Darfur and the Sudan conflict

Look to the Stars (May 1, 2023): George Clooney Speaks Out on Sudan Conflict

April 2023

VG (April 29, 2023): Mener norsk Sudan-støtte styrket brutal milits

TIME (April 28, 2023): How the International Community Failed Sudan

Il Corriere (April 27, 2023): Sulla pelle del Sudan: 20 anni dopo George Clooney in Darfur, è ancora guerra. Protagonisti, alleanze e la vera posta in gioco

VOA (April 27, 2023): Analyst: Sudan Case-Fire Serves as a Starting Point for Lasting Peace

CBS News (April 24, 2023): Fighting between military rivals intesifies in Sudan

Africa Intelligence (April 14, 2023): Gold refiner Alain Goetz fights back against US and EU sanctions

YK Times (April 14, 2023): “Indian lab-grown diamonds alarm global markets (Индийские выращенные в лаборатории бриллианты встревожили мировые рынки)”

Giornale della Birra (April 6, 2023): Central Africa: Castel, the French beer giant under attack (Centrafrica: sotto attacco Castel, il colosso francese della birra)

RFA (April 3, 2023): North Korea, corrupt politicians in Africa join hands to earn foreign currency 북, 아프리카서 부패 정치인 손잡고 외화벌이

The New York Times (April 3, 2023): Fight Over Corruption and Congo’s Mining Riches Takes a Turn in Washington

The Sunday Guardian (April 1, 2023): India’s lab diamonds give jitters to global markets

March 2023

L’Express (March 26, 2023): En Centrafrique, le groupe Wagner lorgne sur la bière française Castel (In the Central African Republic, the Wagner group is eyeing French Castel beer)

Al Jazeera (March 25, 2023): Myanmar’s military jet fuel supplies hit by latest US sanctions

Scoop RDC (March 18, 2023): Coup de gueule des ONGs sur Ventora : Dan Gertler dégaine et les recadre !

Ukrainian National News Information Agency (UNN) (March 13, 2023): Белый дом отказывается признавать ЧВК “Вагнер” террористической организацией из-за сотрудничества с африканскими странами (The White House refuses to recognize PMC “Wagner” as a terrorist organization due to cooperation with African countries) (Steve Cohen TN-09) (March 13, 2023): Congressmen Cohen Questions Experts at U.S. Helsinki Commission Hearing on Countering Russia’s Terroristic Mercenaries

Golos Ameriki (March 13, 2023): Конгресс США намерен в ближайшее время признать «Группу Вагнера» террористической (The US Congress intends to designate the Wagner Group as a terrorist group in the near future)

The Hill (March 12, 2023): Congress wants to label Wagner group as a terrorist organization. Why is Biden opposed?

Actualite.CD (March 2, 2023): RDC: les USA sanctionnent deux nord-coréens, propriétaires de l’entreprise de construction Congo Aconde SARL

NK News (March 2, 2023): US unveils new sanctions targeting North Korean activities in Africa

Mail & Guardian (March 2, 2023): The whistleblower’s burden: How a life is dragged into chaos

February 2023

Global Trade Review (February 27, 2023): Afreximbank deal raises money laundering, bribery red flags, report claims

The East African (February 26, 2023): Report cites Juba oil marketer in $30m loan scandal claims

National Interest (February 25, 2023): Why Washington Should Care About South Sudan

Radio Tamazuj (February 21, 2023): New report cites bribery, money laundering, and sanctions-busting in massive South Sudan oil-backed loan deal

Eye Radio (February 21, 2023): Trinity Energy thrives in ‘corrupt’ govt-backed oil deals – The Sentry

Eye Radio (February 21, 2023): RAK Media implicated in The Sentry corruption report

ACAMS Today (February 15, 2023): Nathalia Dukhan and Naureen Chowdhury Fink on the Wagner Group

VOA (February 4, 2023): Pope Francis: Mission for Peace in South Sudan

The New York Times (February 3, 2023): The World’s Newest Country Is Broken and Forgotten. Enter Pope Francis.

Taz (February 2, 2023): Schmutziges Gold, fragwürdige Strafen

OSV News (February 1, 2023): Panel: In Congo, church provides balances amid conflict driven by consumer demand for minerals

January 2023

Chechnya FREE.RU (January 31, 2023): The scheme of secret ownership and operations of a billionaire with assets of $ 2 billion in banks is revealed

Transparency International (January 31, 2023): 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index Reveals Scan Progress Against Corruption as World Becomes More Violent

OCCRP (January 30, 2023): Credit Suisse Banked Abramovich Fortune Held in Secret Offshore Companies

The Herald (January 29, 2023): Wealth management: Wagner Group’s makeover isn’t fooling anyone

Victory Girls (January 27, 2023): Wagner Group: Putin’s Mercenaries Now a Criminal Organization

Barron’s (January 24, 2023): How a Prominent Russian Oligarch Helped Start

MERIP (Middle East Research and Information Project (January 19, 2023): America’s Cannabis Industry

The Brussels Times (January 16, 2023): DR Congo and UAE join forces against illicit gold

VICE News (January 12, 2023): Drug Raid Links Myanmar Army Chief’s Children to Notorious Weapons Dealer


January 2022 | February 2022 | March 2022 | April 2022 | May 2022 | June 2022 | July 2022 | August 2022 | September 2022 | October 2022 | November 2022 | December 2022

December 2022

Business in Vancouver (BIV) (December 20, 2022): Ivanhoe responds to allegations of corruption in DRC

Bloomberg (December 20, 2022): Ivanhoe Mines Confirms Link to Congo Aide in Copper Corruption Case

The Tower Post (December 17, 2022): South Sudan: NSS Speaks Out on Recent Sentry Report

Business Wire (December 15, 2022): Investor Alert: Kalloghlian Myers LLP Encourages Ivanhoe Mines Ltd Investors to Inquire About a Class Action Investigation (December 15, 2022): Police searched Ivanhoe Mines’ Vancouver office as part of Swiss bank transfer investigation

Daily Maverick (December 15, 2022): Canadian mining group Ivanhoe accused of ‘gaming’ DRC’s corrupt body politic — report

The Globe and Mail (December 15, 2022): RCMP obtains search warrant for Ivanhoe Mines office in hunt for documents on Swiss bank account transfers

Moody’s Podcast: KYC Decoded (December 14, 2022):  Investigative Journalism Miniseries Part 3: Fueling Actionable Intelligence

Brussels Times (December 10, 2022): EU sanctions Belgian for dirty gold from DRC

De Standard (December 9, 2022): EU legt Belgische goudhandelaar Alain Goetz zware sancties op

The Tower Post (December 9, 2022): South Sudan: The Sentry Report Exposes How NSS Has Captured Key Sectors of the Country

EyeRadio (December 8, 2022): The Sentry report: NSS captures key sectors including media

VOA (December 7, 2022): South Sudan in Focus

BBC Africa Eye (December 7, 2022): Newsday

WakatSera (December 7, 2022): La France ouvre une enquête sur les crimes de guerre en lien avec la société française de boissons Groupe Castel en RCA

Bloomberg Law (December 1, 2022): Lawyers Should Be Key Reporters in Anti-Money Laundering Efforts

November 2022

Wall Street Journal (November 30, 2022): Senate Weighs Expansion of Money-Laundering Rules

Press TV (Iran) (November 30, 2022): Dubai turns into ‘safe haven’ for drug smugglers: Report

Law360 (November 29, 2022): Bill For Tougher AML Rules On Attys Faces Senate Opposition

Pod Sauce (November 28, 2022): Hear it from the pros: 8 true crime podcasts hosted by law enforcement, retired FBI agents, cold case investigators, and more

Bistands Aktuelt (November 25, 2022): Det enkleste ville nok være å trekke seg helt ut

ABC News Australia (November 4, 2022): Australia Under Pressure to Sanction Myanmar Military After Amnesty International Report and Leaked ANZ Bank Transactions

Myanmar Now (November 2, 2022): Leaked Records from Myanmar Military Conglomerate-owned Bank Reveal International Transactions

October 2022

Le Media TV (October 31, 2022): Vers un nouveau coup d’etat en afrique centrale? Enquete sur un barbouze francais

Smerconish (October 19, 2022): Money Laundering is Threatening Our Communities. Data for Law Enforcement Can Help.

Epoch Times (October 17, 2022): Bad Guys Getting Away’ With Laundering Dirty Money in UK, Committee of MPs Told

Anadolu Agency (October 17, 2022): South Sudan dismisses report of graft involving $1B credit line for vulnerable communities

Bloomberg (October 17, 2022): How Russia Smuggles Grain From Occupied Ukraine

Ventures Africa (October 12, 2022): New Report Shows How Corruption is Crippling South Sudan’s Economy

Global Trade Review (October 12, 2022): South Sudanese letter of credit system exploited in billion-dollar scam, report claims

Coda Story (October 12, 2022): Big bank accounts apparently held by kleptocratic penguins

Nigrizia (October 11, 2022): Sud Sudan: nuova maxi truffa sulla pelle dei cittadini

Deutsche Welle (October 11, 2022): South Sudan’s ruling elite probed for $1B ‘scam’

The East African (October 10, 2022): Sentry links banks, firms and senior officials to South Sudan plunder

CIPS (October 6, 2022): How corruption made $1bn for essential supplies ‘vanish’

Bloomberg (October 6, 2022): $1 Billion That Banks Sent to South Sudan for Food and Medicine Vanished, Probe Finds

VOA Africa (October 6, 2022): Report: South Sudan Elites Robbed Country of $1 Billion in Credit Scam

All Africa (October 5, 2022): South Sudan: New Report Details Billion Dollar Scam in Massive Bank Credit Programme

Eye Radio (October 5, 2022): Makuei Dismisses Sentry’s Corruption Report Implicating First Family

Eye Radio (October 5, 2022): Sentry Exposes $1 Billion Scam Involving Banks, Companies, Govt Officials

Regulation Asia (October 4, 2022): The Sentry Calls for Action to Stop Kleptocracy Enablers

September 2022

Yale Law School Today (September 30, 2022): Justyna Gudzowska ’04 Tells How Targeted Sanctions Can Leverage Human Rights

The Fact Coalition (September 26, 2022): New Sentry Report Details how Bankers, Lawyers, and Accountants Enable Global Corruption Networks: “The Enablers Fueling Global Corruption and Building Violent Kleptocracies.”

Nikkei Asia (September 25, 2022): Myanmar Citizens Would Bear Brunt of Potential FATF Blacklisting

La Estrella de Panama (September 24, 2022): La llorona del 24 de septiembre de 2022

Yale Law (September 15, 2022): Human Rights Workshop: Justyna Gudzowska ’04, “Targeted Sanctions as a Tool for Human Rights and Accountability”

Africa Intelligence (September 13, 2022): Kiir seeks sanctions relief ahead of US-Africa summit

August 2022

De Morgen (August 28, 2022): Waarom aast deze politicus, gelinkt aan het Russische Wagner-huurlingenleger, op een Belgisch visum?

POLITYKA (August 25, 2022): Sankcje na Rosję: dlaczego jeszcze nie działają? Ile nas kosztują?

Bloomberg (August 16, 2022): Russian mercenaries seek gold, sow chaos in Central Africa

La Libre Afrique (August 8, 2022): RDC: des ONG pressent M. Blinken de plaider en faveur du respect des droits de l’homme

Human Rights Watch (August 8, 2022): DR Congo: Blinken Visit Tests US Support for Democracy, Rights

Expansao (August 8, 2022): Blinken lança estratégia dos EUA para a África em Pretória

The Wire China (August 7, 2022): The Congo Standoff

July 2022

Africa Radio (July 29, 2022): Centrafrique: mandat d’arrêt de la CPI contre un ex-chef rebelle

Project Syndicate (July 29, 2022): Turning Off Congo’s Looting Machine

TV5 Monde (July 29, 2022): Centrafrique mandat darret de la cpi contre un ex chef rebelle

UN Dispatch (July 18, 2022): Why There’s a Resurgence of Armed Conflict in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Morning Consult (July 17, 2022): Global Week in Review

EcoMatin (July 15, 2022): Centrafrique : Le parquet de Paris ouvre une enquête contre Castel

Kapitalis (July 14, 2022): Castel, actionnaire majoritaire de la SFBT, accuse de “complicite de crimes de guerre” en Centrafrique

Human Rights Watch (July 14, 2022): Child Labor and Human Rights Violations in the Mining Industry of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Czas Wina (July 13, 2022): Czy Groupe Castel współpracowała z terrorystami w Afryce?

Actualite.CD (July 13, 2022): Le travail des enfants dans l’industrie minière en RDC au coeur des débats à la commissionTom Santos des droits de l’Homme du Congrès américain

Le Journal des Enterprises (July 12, 2022): Le groupe Castel accuse de crimes contre l’humanite en Centrafrique

ADIAC (July 7, 2022): Centrafrique : la persistance des attaques armees et la montee des discours haineux inquietant les acteurs

Africa Intelligence (July 7, 2022): Affaire Castel : la bataille des robes noires

Pouvoirs Afrique (July 3, 2022): Centre-Afrique. Une enterprise francaise accusee de crimes contre l’humanite

Taarifa (July 3, 2022): French Winemaker Groupe Castel Accused of Links to Militia in CAR

World Akkam (July 2, 2022): French wine giant investigates relationshiop with African militia

Intellivoire (July 2, 2022): Castel: Le géant français du vin enquêté sur ses liens présumés avec une milice en RCA

1001infos (July 1, 2022): Accusations visant une filiale en Centrafrique du groupe Castel: enquête à Paris pour complicité de crimes contre l’humanité

VOA Afrique (July 1, 2022): 
Ouverture d’une enquête sur les activités de Castel avec des groupes armés centrafricains

Notícias ao Minuto (July 1, 2022): França abre inquérito para apurar apoio da Castel a rebeldes na RCA

Rfjm (July 1, 2022): França abre inquérito para apurar apoio da Castel a rebeldes na RCA

Reuters (July 1, 2022): French prosecutors open war crime probe linked to Groupe Castel unit in Central African Republic – source

Panoramanet (July 1, 2022): Háborús bűncselekmények miatt indítottak eljárást egy hatalmas francia italgyártó leányvállalata ellen

La Libre (July 1, 2022): Accusations visant une filiale en Centrafrique du groupe Castel: enquête à Paris pour complicité de crimes contre l’humanité

Libération (July 1, 2022): Le groupe français Castel visé par une enquête pour crimes contre l’humanité en Centrafrique

Le Monde (July 1, 2022): Castel : une enquête ouverte à Paris pour complicité de crimes contre l’humanité à la suite d’accusations visant une filiale du groupe en Centrafrique

June 2022

Nouvelles D’armenie Magazine (June 30, 2022): La cérémonie aura lieu en octobre à Venise

Newsbreak (June 30, 2022): Human Rights Activist John Prendergast on Trends in Global Advocacy

Nikkei Asia (June 24, 2022): Japan needs to update sanctions laws to face future challenges

Just Security (June 13, 2022): South Sudan: The Road to a Living Hell, Paved with Peace Deals

Africa Intelligence (June 8, 2022): “Congo hold-up” : le Parquet national financier ouvre une enquête sur la BGFI – Africa Intelligence

The Africa Report (June 7, 2022): US wields velvet hammer in Ethiopia crisis

Africa Intelligence (June 7, 2022): Après l’éviction d’Alexandre Vilgrain, comment Castel reprend la main sur Somdiaa

East African Standard (June 5, 2022): Tales from a bush pilot with the love for farming

Africa Intelligence (June 1, 2022): RDC : L’intermédiaire chinois Du Wei tente sa chance dans l’hydroélectricité

May 2022

Disruption Banking (May 31, 2022): Financial crime may be the winner from Central African Republic’s Bitcoin adoption

The Economist (May 14, 2022): Zimbabwe’s president orders banks to stop lending

Kan (May 12, 2022): “פרק 1 – מבצע גרטלר זמן אמת חוזרת עם סיפורו של המיליארדר הישראלי חרדי”

AFP (May 7, 2022): C.Africa’s leap into bitcoin leaves its people bemused

LexisNexis RegTech Pulse podcast (May 6, 2022): Money laundering in real estate

April 2022

Bloomberg (April 30, 2022): How a Sanctioned Russian Company Gained Access to Sudan’s Gold

Actualite.CD (April 25, 2022): RDC: des nouvelles sanctions de l’Union Européenne touchent deux sujets nord-coréens, propriétaires de l’entreprise de construction “Congo Aconde”

Afrique Média (April 22, 2022): Fernand Ngomo : Les pris de la bière augmente en Centrafrique, et c’est peut-être la faute de Macron

Vanity Fair (April 21, 2022): Forget gas prices. The billionaire club’s run on cobalt says everything about our battery-powered future.

Havens NT (April 14, 2022): Onrust om grondstoffen voor elektrisch rijden borrelt op

African News Agency (April 12, 2022): Africa: Bastion of hope for Putin’s Russia economy

Actu Cameroun (April 10, 2022): En Centrafrique, Mocaf, filiale de la société française castel, hausse les prix de la bière

TIME (April 9, 2022): Putin’s Exploitation of Africa Could Help Him Evade Sanctions

Voice of America South Sudan In Focus (April 5, 2022): Alleged Sudan Militia Leader Says He’s Innocent of Darfur War Crimes Charges

KQED “Forum” (April 4, 2022): “Are the Sweeping and Unprecedented Sanctions Against Russia Working?”

Noticias Del Mundo En Español (April 1, 2022): Estados Unidos advierte al Congreso sobre los líderes de Sudán del Sur

Voice of America (April 1, 2022): US State Department Warns Congress About South Sudan’s Leaders

March 2022

The Sunrise (March 24, 2022): GOLD SMUGGLING: Will US Sanctions stop AGR’s Goertz?

Africa Intelligence (March 25, 2022): Accusations de trafic d’or : des actifs du raffineur Alain Goetz épargnés par le Trésor américain

Kharon (March 24, 2022): Global Network Involved in Illicit Gold Trade Sanctioned

Le Monde (March 24, 2022): Guerre en Ukraine : « L’OTAN devrait appliquer des sanctions ciblées contre les kleptocraties africaines alliées du Kremlin »

Nach Welt (March 24, 2022): Wie der große Glücksfall eines Zim-Tycoons einen Währungscrash ausgelöst haben könnte

Foreign Policy (March 24, 2022): Corruption and Democratic Decay: An FP Virtual Dialogue

Bloomberg (March 23, 2022): Tycoon Seen Scoring From Zimbabwe’s $3.4 Billion Off-Budget Debt

Daily Maverick (March 21, 2022): Multi-Million $ Corruption: The Sentry and Tendai Biti expose dodgy dealings in Zimbabwe (March 20, 2022): RDC: Dan Gertler ne doit bénéficier d’aucun avantage financier, insistent les USA

SowetanLIVE (March 19, 2022): US imposes sanctions over illicit exports of gold from Congo

Wall Street Journal (March 18, 2022): IEA Proposes Plan to Cut Daily Oil Demand by 2.7 Mln Barrels — Commodities Roundup

Le Monde (March 18, 2022): En RDC, des ONG mettent en garde contre la préparation d’élections pour 2023 « bâclées et chaotiques »

AFP (March 18, 2022): RDC: Washington sanctionne un Belge pour exportation illégale d'”or de la guerre” congolais

AFP (March 18, 2022): RDC: des ONG alertent sur la préparation d’élections “bâclées et chaotiques” en 2023 op

Standaard Presse (March 18, 2022): VS leggen Belgische goudhandelaar Alain Goetz zware sancties op

Insider Zimbabwe Presse (March 18, 2022): US organisation has another go at Tagwirei

Reuters Presse (March 18, 2022): U.S. imposes sanctions over illicit exports of gold from Congo

Daily Maverick Presse (March 18, 2022): Mnangagwa crony made about $90m in dodgy central bank deal, reveals explosive report by The Sentry

Anadolu Agency (March 17, 2022): Wagner, l’armée secrète de Poutine ? (Analyse)

Foreign Policy’s Africa Brief Presse (March 16, 2022): Can African Oil and Gas Replace Russia’s?

Centrafriue Presse (March 13, 2022): Guerre en Ukraine : le Mali et la Centrafrique restent arrimés à la Russie – centrafrique-presse

VOA Vietnam (March 10, 2022): Ý nghĩa cuộc chiến tại Ukraine

Toronto Star (March 8, 2022): As Russia’s attack on Ukraine intensifies, small rays of light shine on the trillion-dollar business of global political corruption

Bloomberg (March 3, 2022): Seizing Superyachts of Russia’s Elite Is Harder Than It Sounds

Sudan Tribune (March 3, 2022): US Senator Coons renews calls for sanctions on Sudan’s coup leaders

February 2022

Foreign Policy (February 28, 2022): Targeted Sanctions Can Help Restore Democracy in Sudan

Politico Global Insider Newsletter (February 25, 2022): ‘Pretend sanctions’ — West watches as Ukraine tumbles

Here & There with Dave Marash podcast (February 23, 2022): “John Dell’Osso, The Sentry
Tracking kleptocracy in the DRC (Congo)”

Foreign Affairs (February 22, 2022): Can sanctions be smart?

Pressafrik (February 21, 2022): RCA: mort de Zakaria Damane, figure historique de l’ancienne rébellion Seleka

JCK (February 8, 2022): Feb. 11 Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

On The Rocks podcast (February 8, 2022): Responsible Mining On The Rocks Featuring Brad Brooks-Rubin

De Standaard (February 5, 2022): Ook in de Sahel wil Moskou het Westen buitenwerken

January 2022

Africa Intelligence (January 24, 2022): Véhicules blindés de Tshisekedi : l’entrepreneur Idro Taban derrière le contrat à 58 millions

Publico (January 20, 2022): Pessoal armado, material de guerra e desinformação. A receita dos mercenários russos na República Centro-Africana

China In Africa Podcast (January 14, 2022): Investigating Chinese Corruption in the DRC Linked to the “Deal of the Century”

Institute for Security Studies (January 7, 2022): Is it time to confront Sudan’s military more aggressively, or should carrots be dangled instead?

MSN (January 5, 2022): Sudão. UE, EUA e Reino Unido avisam militares contra nomeação unilateral de Governo

AFP (January 3, 2022): Sudán quedó sumido en la incertidumbre por la renuncia del primer ministro y los ciudadanos temen otro régimen represivo

AFP (January 3, 2022): Após demissão de premiê, sudaneses temem outro regime repressivo

AFP (January 3, 2022): Soudan: le Premier ministre parti, la rue redoute un retour à la dictature

MSN NO (January 3, 2022): Frykt for blodige dager i Sudan

AFP (January 3, 2022): Sudan PM quitting risks return to Bashir-style rule: analysts

Deutsche Welle – Kiswahili (January 3, 2022): Kujiuzulu kwa Hamdok huenda kukarejesha staili ya uongozi wa Bashir

Wall Street Journal (January 3, 2022): Sudan’s Prime Minister Resigns as Political Crisis Worsens



January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |

December 2021

Le Monde (December 31, 2021): Ethiopie : des dizaines de civils tués dans des frappes aériennes au Tigré

Libération (December 30, 2021): Au Soudan, le pouvoir militaire contesté défend (surtout) son magot

TRT World (December 29, 2021): A collapsed gold mine in Sudan raises questions about its money trail

Al Khaleej Today (December 26, 2021): Mali denies the spread of Russian “Wagner” mercenaries on its soil

AFP (December 25, 2021): Burdensome friends: Central African Republic’s Wagner allies

Financial Crime Conversation Podcast (December 8, 2021): Episode 2: South Sudan: Conflict and corruption

Project Syndicate (December 8, 2021): Accountability and Aid in Ethiopia (December 4, 2021): Des « Révélation » qui ne sont pas paroles d’évangile : Congo Hold-Up Ou Congo Bashing New Look

RFI (December 3, 2021): 刚果(金)大部分贿赂经过纽约的银行

Sudan Tribune (December 2, 2021): UN, AU chiefs call on Sudanese to accept Hamdok-Burhan deal

November 2021

RFI (November 30, 2021): “Congo Hold-up: «Une grande partie des pots-de-vin sont passés par des banques à New York»”

L’Humanité (November 30, 2021): Diplomatie. La Chine face à une défiance inédite en Afrique (November 29, 2021): Congo hold-up : Guy Loando « possède 20% des parts » dans une société au cœur d’un scandale de détournement de plusieurs millions USD

Les Scoops d’Afrique (November 29, 2021): Chine-Congo:Fraude et pots-de-vin derrière le « contrat du siècle » (November 29, 2021): RDC : L’ONG The Sentry dévoile la « mainmise » sur l’État et « pots-de-vin »

Algemeen Dagblad (November 29, 2021): Hoe China met smeergelden het kobalt van Congo binnenhaalde

Africa Intelligence (November 29, 2021): Affaire Castel : Gide, l’ADIT et Mazars bouclent la contre-enquête

Actualité.cd (November 29, 2021): Contrat chinois: société écran et intermédiaire douteux, stratégie pour enrichir quelques-uns (Rapport)

Le Soir (November 28, 2021): 2012, une première opération pour arroser les associés de Kabila

RFI (November 28, 2021): “Congo Hold-Up: Congo Construction Company, le scandale du siècle”

Le Soir (November 28, 2021): Congo Hold-up: le «contrat du siècle» entaché par une corruption à échelle industrielle

VOA Afrique (November 24, 2021): C’est la rue qui a fait reculer les putschistes au Soudan, selon Suliman Baldo

Africa Report (November 23, 2021): DRC: Revelations about Kabila’s US real estate buying spree intensifies calls for crackdown on kleptocracy

RFI (November 23, 2021): “Congo Hold-up: comment se servir dans le budget des élections?”

Le Soir (November 23, 2021): Un yacht financé sur fonds publics détournés (November 23, 2021): Congo Hold-Up : Une société attribuée à Kabila a bénéficié de plusieurs millions USD de la CENI, BCC et Assemblée Nationale

RFI (November 23, 2021): Congo Hold-up: sur les traces de Port de Fisher, la mystérieuse société de Joseph Kabila

Le Monde (November 22, 2021): L’Ethiopie, une nation en danger (November 22, 2021): RDC: « 43 millions USD sont sortis du compte de la BCC à la BGFIBANK pour une destination inconnue » (IGF)

RFI (November 22, 2021): Congo Hold-up: Egal, l’autopsie d’un scandale

AFP (November 22, 2021): Sudan still ‘at mercy of military’ after PM returns: experts

Daily Maverick (November 21, 2021): KABILA FAMILY STASH: $138m later: The Sentry reveals Kabila’s brother laundered $2.4m through Joburg properties

Foreign Affairs (November 21, 2021): Backstory newsletter (November 20, 2021): Affaire BgfiBank/RDC : Du sensationnel réchauffé pour dénigrer Joseph Kabila

All Africa (November 19, 2021): Congo-Kinshasa: Africa’s Biggest-Ever Data Leak Reveals Dirty Millions Stashed in Washington DC Real Estate

Press Afrik (November 19, 2021): RCA : Hassan Bouba le ministre de l’Élevage, ancien responsable de l’UPC, arrêté (November 19, 2021): RDC : « Le clan Kabila a réussi à s’approprier l’argent destiné à payer les Casques bleus congolais » (Enquête)

Scoop DRC (November 19, 2021): BGFIBank : Tunnel noir de la mafia kabiliste !

RFI (November 19, 2021): Congo Hold-up: comment l’ONG The Sentry a pu tracer l’argent des Kabilas – RFI

Actualité.cd (November 19, 2021): De luxueuses propriétés aux USA et en RSA avec de l’argent détourné? Francis Selemani, un proche de Joseph Kabila, pointé du doigt

Le Monde (November 19, 2021): Suliman Baldo, analyste : « Le Soudan et l’Ethiopie sont les deux hommes malades de la Corne de l’Afrique »

The New Republic (November 3, 2021): The Enduring Cruelty of America’s Sanctions Regime

Teen Vogue (November 10, 2021): Lapis Lazuli Sold on Instagram May Be Helping to Fund the Taliban

Le Point (November 10, 2021): Le maréchal al-Sissi, principal allié des putschistes soudanais ?

The Zimbabwe Mail (November 9, 2021): Why Tagwirei is being targetted by US billionaire-funded media outlets

VOA Nightline Africa (November 6, 2021): Nightline Africa

Financial Afrik (November 5, 2021): La lutte contre la corruption en RDC: un secteur d’avenir

Radio Dabanga (November 3, 2021): ‘Sudan coup result of warped incentive structures that trace back to the Al Bashir era’

The Nation Kenya (November 3, 2021): How illicit cash from South Sudan is invested in Kenya

Middle East Eye (November 1, 2021): Sudan coup: Darfur commander says peace agreement was at risk before takeover

Reuters (November 1, 2021): Analysis-Sudan’s military leaders could face isolation after coup

October 2021

Il Post (October 29, 2021): Il generale che ha guidato il colpo di stato in Sudan

New York Times (October 29, 2021): ‘They Lied.’ Inside the Frantic Days Leading to Sudan’s Coup

NK News (October 29, 2021): North Korea’s ‘white tiger’ art studio constructing panoramas and statues abroad

Associated Press (October 27, 2021): Sudan Strongman Is Seen as an Insider With Powerful Allies

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Hearing (October 27, 2021): Targeted Sanctions: Implications for International Religious Freedom

Arabic Post (October 20, 2021): مظاهرات وحصار للموانئ.. خطة الجيش السوداني للقيام بانقلاب ناعم تتقدم نتيجة لأخطاء القوى المدني

Middle East Eye (October 19, 2021): Sudan’s military and civilian authorities locked in tense power struggle

Sudan Tribune (October 18, 2021): South Sudan Awards $4B Contract to Sanctioned Businessmen

Europa Press (October 15, 2021): South Sudan President Sacks Director of State Oil Company

The East African (October 3, 2021): South Sudan Risking Cycle of War as Plunder Continues Despite U.S., UK Sanctions

Al-Monitor (October 3, 2021): Sudan security forces resist calls for civilian control

September 2021

The East African (September 28, 2021): South Sudan’s President Kiir cancels $650 million ‘Sovereign Grantee’ deal

Sécurité & Défense Magazine (September 22, 2021): Quand les diamants brillent de sang…

Deutsche Welle (September 16, 2021): Berlin and Paris concerned over Russian mercenaries in Mali

Freedom House (September 10, 2021): ADVOCACY LETTER: Support for the Counter-Kleptocracy Act

Radio Free Asia (September 10, 2021): “북 제재회피 방지위해 대북제재 대상 더 확대돼야”

Nigrizia (September 10, 2021): Russia in Africa: i paesi in ballo con Wagner

Social Investor (September 9, 2021): Sentry Duty

August 2021

Africa Report (August 30, 2021): Grands Lacs : figure du marché de l’or, le raffineur belge Alain Goetz fait son baroud d’honneur

CorbeauNews Centrafrique (August 29, 2021): Rapport the Sentry sur SUCAF et l’UPC : « c’est l’absence de l’état qui a créé tous ses désarrois », estime l’opposant Jean – Serge Bokassa

Федеральное агентство новостей No.1 (August 28, 2021): Сахар, топливо, вино: чем французский Castel платил боевикам за сохранность бизнеса в ЦАР

The Zimbabwean (August 21, 2021): Corporate capture driving Corruption in Zimbabwe

Deutsche Welle (August 25, 2021): RCA : des habitants sous le choc après une enquête

Mondafrique (August 24, 2021): Le groupe Castel accusé d’avoir financé les groupes armés centrafricains

Jeune Afrique (August 24, 2021): Centrafrique : Castel active son comité d’éthique

Wine Searcher (August 22, 2021): Wine Company Accused of War Crimes

Africa Times (August 22, 2021): France’s Castel calls for inquiry after report on C.A.R. operations

Bloomberg (August 21, 2021): Castel of France to Probe Allegations of African Militia Support

TV5 (August 21, 2021): Affaire du groupe Castel en Centrafrique : “ce genre de problématique en RCA est systémique”

Le Monde (August 20, 2021): En Centrafrique, une filiale du groupe français Castel accusée d’avoir soutenu des rebelles

Jeune Afrique (August 20, 2021): Centrafrique : « accord tacite » entre Somdiaa et des rebelles ?

East African (August 20, 2021): US Watchdog links French firm’s subsidiary to funding militia in CAR

Libération (August 20, 2021): Castel, le géant français des boissons, accusé d’avoir payé un groupe armé en Centrafrique

AFP (August 20, 2021): Centrafrique : le groupe Castel accusé d’avoir entretenu des liens avec des milices armées

RFI (August 20, 2021): French wine giant Castel accused of funding rebels in CAR

RFI (August 20, 2021): Centrafrique: une ONG dénonce un «accord tacite» entre le groupe Castel et des groupes armés

Radio Ndeke Luka (August 19, 2021): L’entreprise française Sucaf accusée de financement de milices violentes en Centrafrique

Les Echos (August 19, 2021): Castel ouvre une enquête sur une filiale accusée d’entente avec des rebelles en Centrafrique

Le nouveau Centrafrique (August 19, 2021): France : Face aux accusations de “The Sentry”, Castel maison mère de la Sucaf annonce vouloir ouvrir une enquête

Le Figaro (August 19, 2021): Castel ouvre une enquête sur une filiale en Centrafrique, accusée d’avoir soutenu des rebelles

Inside Philanthropy (August 19, 2021): How a Media and Mining Mogul Supports Global Development, Conflict Resolution and More

VOA Afrique (August 18, 2021): Le géant français Castel cité dans de graves violations des droits humains en RCA

Deutsche Welle (August 18, 2021): RCA : un groupe sucrier accusé d’avoir financé l’UPC

France 24 (August 18, 2021): Central African Republic: “tacit agreement” between a sugar group and rebels, denounces an NGO

AFP (August 18, 2021): French firm paid CAR rebels to protect sugar operations: US watchdog

AFP (August 18, 2021): Centrafrique : une ONG américaine dénonce un “accord tacite” entre Castel et des rebelles

Mbaretimes (August 16, 2021): Belgian firm awarded Zim passport production contract

Bloomberg (August 13, 2021): Tycoon May Have Shifted Assets to Zimbabwe After U.S. Sanctions

ZimRights (August 4, 2021): ZimRights July Human Rights Round Up

Zimbabwe Standard (August 1, 2021): How committed is Mnangagwa to eradication of corruption?

July 2021

ZimEye (July 29, 2021): ZimRights Requests Information on Beneficiaries of Tax Holidays

The New Activist Podcast (July 26, 2021): John Prendergast, Following the Dirty Money

VOA Zimbabwe (July 23, 2021): Britain Imposes Targeted Sanctions on Zimbabwe Businessman Tagwirei, 4 Others ‘Exploiting’ People

Africa Confidential (July 22, 2021): Between money and the military

Bloomberg (July 20, 2021): Zimbabwe Says It Was Given Kuvimba Stake to Compensate Farmers

Deutsche Welle (July 19, 2021): República Centro-Africana: Mercenários russos da Wagner acusados de assassinatos

Bulawayo24 (July 17, 2021): Tagwirei’s vast tentacles grip Zimbabwe government

Kenyan Business Feed (July 14, 2021): The Sentry report exposes the corruption of post-Mugabe era businessman Kudakwashe Tagwirei

The Red Line Podcast (July 14, 2021): Episode 47. The Resurgence of Africa’s Conflict Diamonds

The Zimbabwean (July 13, 2021): It’s good introducing anti-corruption curricular at ECD, but why don’t we start by uprooting graft right from top echelons of power?

Bulawayo24 (July 11, 2021): Mystery over Zimbabwe army deal?

Zimbabwe Standard (July 11, 2021): Mnangagwa-Tagwirei links getting clearer

ZimEye (July 9, 2021): Mnangagwa Unwilling To Weed Out Corrupt Elements In His Administration – ZimEye

Agence Ecofin (July 9, 2021): Dan Gertler, devenu le symbole du pillage des ressources de la RDC

AFP (July 9, 2021): Salva Kiir: The Man Who Led South Sudan To Independence Then War

L’express Maurice (July 9, 2021): Offshore: quand le secret des uns mine la transparence des autres…

Deutsche Welle (July 8, 2021): Russische Söldner töten in Zentralafrika: Was steckt dahinter?

Foreign Policy (July 7, 2021): Succession in South Sudan

The Zimbabwean (July 6, 2021): Revealed: How Top Mnangagwa Ally Is Stealing State Resources

Bloomberg (July 6, 2021): Zimbabwe Got Mines From Company Linked to Sanctioned Tycoon

Africa Confidential (July 3, 2021): Tagwirei probe indicts top government officials

ZimLive (July 5, 2021): Exposed: Kudakwashe Tagwire’s off-budget funding of military, money laundering

ZimEye (July 5, 2021): Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Blue-eyed Boy Tagwirei Shadowy Business Deals Exposed

The Zimbabwean (July 4, 2021): Zimbabwe tycoon’s ‘dirty money’ – Zimbabwe Vigil Diary

VOA Zimbabwe (July 4, 2021): Investigation Group Uncovers Zimbabwe Tycoon Kudakwashe Tagwirei’s Hidden Business Empire

NewsHawks (July 3, 2021): Zimbabwe Tycoon Used State Ties to Hide Assets, Report Says

Bloomberg (July 2, 2021): Tagwirei’s vast business empire unmasked

The Zimbabwean (July 2, 2021): The Sentry Reveals Hidden Business Practices of Zimbabwean Tycoon Kudakwashe Tagwirei

Financial Times (July 2, 2021): The offshore hive of Zimbabwe’s ‘Queen Bee’

Daily Maverick (July 1, 2021): Dismantling Zimbabwe’s kleptocracy: Report lifts lid on Kuda Tagwirei’s offshore dealings and sanction-avoiding strategies

June 2021

The Africa Report (June 30, 2021): Sudan: How PM Hamdok is securing state-owned enterprises

Radio Dabanga (June 27, 2021): US State Department lauds Sudan’s ‘great progress’ in financial transparency


Anadolu Agency (June 22, 2021): Centrafrique : l’opposition exige le départ des mercenaires russes

BBC World Service Radio (June 21, 2021): World Business Report

Mondafrique (June 21, 2021): Centrafrique, le groupe russe Wagner accusé d’atrocités par CNN

RFI (June 18, 2021): Centrafrique: la présidence répond aux «allégations» liées aux paramilitaires russes

TV5 Monde (June 17, 2021): Centrafrique : un bras de fer entre Paris et Moscou ?

CorbeauNews Centrafrique (June 17, 2021): Paoua, les mercenaires de Wagner frappent de nouveau

AFP (June 17, 2021): La Centrafrique, théâtre d’une guerre d’influence entre Paris et Moscou

Radio Tamazuj (June 16, 2021): Why The Rapid Support Forces As An Independent Force Is A Setback To Democratic Transition In Sudan

Agence EcoFin (June 15, 2021): Centrafrique : les mercenaires russes accusés d’atrocités sur les civils pour le contrôle de l’or et des diamants

Deutsche Welle (June 15, 2021): RCA : des mercenaires russes à nouveau accusés de crimes

CNN Brasil(June 15, 2021): Russos são acusados de tortura e assassinato na República Centro-Africana

Nederlands Dagblad (June 15, 2021): Russos são acusados de tortura e assassinato na República Centro-Africana

CNN (June 15, 2021): It was our children they killed’: Russian mercenaries implicated in the torture and killing of civilians in Central African Republic

May 2021

Le Parisien (May 29, 2021): Le trafiquant d’or agressé à Paris par quatre hommes armés

Financial Times (May 27, 2021): US is right to impose sanctions on Ethiopia

Somos GEN (May 24, 2021): TIERRA DE NADIE – De reo en Tacumbú a Cónsul Honorario (1/3)

Lawfare (May 24, 2021): The Week That Will Be

Europa Press (May 24, 2021): RDCongo.- Mueren doce personas por un derrumbe en una mina de oro en el norte de RDC

Altaghyeer (May 22, 2021): The Sentry: Sudan’s economic reforms risk receiving “little to no attention”

Al-ba3shoum (May 19, 2021):  آل دقلو في فتيل دولي جديد تقرير مؤسسة الحارس – كواليس البعشوم

Inside Philanthropy (May 19, 2021): The Dutch Lottery Is a Surprisingly Huge Donor. Here’s How It Stands Against War Profiteering

Africa Confidential (May 18, 2021): Prime Minister Hamdok wins critical backing for economic turnaround

Sudan Tribune (May 18, 2021): Advocacy group warns of threat to Sudan’s civilian-led transition

Al Jazeera (May 17, 2021): African statues and North Korean sanctions

The World News (May 17, 2021): مجلة نيوزلاين الأمريكية: كيف يمكن لتقرير حقوق الإنسان أن يقلب الأوضاع في السودان .. الكشف عن مجزرة فض الاعتصام ونبيل أديب يخشى أن تؤدي نتائجه إلى إنقلاب

Associated Press (May 17, 2021): La France détient des discussions globales pour offrir un allégement de la dette pour le Soudan

Associated Press (May 17, 2021): France holds global talks to offer debt relief for Sudan

The Star Kenya (May 1, 2021): UK to freeze assets, issue travel bans on corrupt in new law

April 2021

CorbeauNews Centrafrique (April 30, 2021): RCA : la dernière sortie médiatique de l’ambassadeur russe en RCA, Vladimir Titorenko à la coalition de l’opposition centrafricaine continue de couler beaucoup d’encre

Media Congo (April 29, 2021): Minerais de sang : sans respect strict de la loi, la situation risque de perdurer et s’enraciner

De Standaard (April 29, 2021): Belgische goudhandelaar in vizier van Amerikaanse Senaat

BBC World Service / NPR (April 27, 2021): Newsday, April 27, 2021

World Politics Review (April 27, 2021): The U.S. vs. Dan Gertler

Sudan Tribune (April 27, 2021): UK sanctions Sudanese businessman over corruption in South Sudan

The East African (April 27, 2021): UK sanctions 22 people linked to notorious graft cases

Regulation Asia (April 27, 2021): Mitigating Illicit Convergence in Transnational Financial Crime

Horizon (April 24, 2021): 2021 Aurora Humanitarians Announced

Voice of America (April 22, 2021): Sudanese Analysts: Chad Military Takeover Will Likely Cause Instability in Darfur Region

Sudan Tribune (April 20, 2021): Wanted Paraguay “fugitive” now involved in business dealings in South Sudan, says report

Radio Tamazuj (April 20, 2021): Fugitive forged new identity as business tycoon in South Sudan: investigative report

La Nacion (April 20, 2021): La metamorfosis de Ali Khalil Merhi: de reo en Tacumbú a cónsul honorario en Sudán del Sur

Philanthropy News Digest (April 17, 2021): The Sentry receives $3.23 million to track war crimes, profiteering

Financial Crime Digest (April 17, 2021): March Edition

Le Soft (April 12, 2021): L’IGF met EGAl hors cause mais rattrape l’homme qui instruisit Mutombo

The New Humanitarian, Al Jazeera (April 7, 2021): L’IGF EXCLUSIVE: Corruption Claims Spark New Concerns About Aid To South Sudan

Voice of America (April 3, 2021): Nightline Africa April 03, 2021 02:00 PM

Daily Nation (April 2, 2021): South Sudan: S.Sudan to Use U.S.$174 Million IMF Grant to Fund Its Budget

March 2021

Radio Dabanga (March 31, 2021): Central Africa: Report Urges U.S. to Intensify Pressure to Curb Kleptocracy in East and Central Africa

L’Orient-Le Jour (March 31, 2021): Au Soudan, une avancée vers la séparation entre l’État et la religion

Radio Dabanga (March 27, 2021):  Sudan’s exchange rate: New report on how to sustain progress and pre-empt risks

VICE News (March 24, 2021): They Exposed an Alleged Money Laundering Network. Then They Were Sentenced to Death.

EcoMatin (March 18, 2021): Le trafic illégal de l’or fait perdre plus 4 milliards de dollars aux pays d’Afrique centrale et de l’Est

Agence Ecofin (March 18, 2021): La Suisse met en place un nouveau mécanisme pour lutter contre la contrebande d’or

Agence Ecofin (March 17, 2021): Gabon : l’Etat intensifie la lutte contre l’orpaillage clandestin

Equal Times (March 15, 2021): Central African refugees are caught between a rock and hard place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Jeune Afrique (March 15, 2021): Or : du Cameroun à la RDC, 4 milliards de dollars d’exportations « à haut risque »

Afrique sur 7 (March 13, 2021): Trafic illicite de l’or en Afrique: Perte 4 milliards de dollars d’or par an

Agence Ecofin (March 12, 2021): Trafic illégal d’or : les pays d’Afrique centrale et de l’Est continuent de perdre des milliards de dollars (rapport)

Africa Intelligence (March 12, 2021): Trafic illégal d’or : Vente d’or : African Gold Refinery attaque frontalement l’UE pour rester dans la course

Africa Intelligence (March 12, 2021): Accused of links to conflict minerals, African Gold Refinery fires broadside at EU

Le Soir (March 10, 2021): Accused RDCongo: l’administration Biden coupe les ailes à Dan Gertler, l’ancien partenaire de Kabila

JCK (March 10, 2021): U.S. Reimposes Sanctions On Diamond Trader Gertler

Agence Ecofin (March 10, 2021): RDC : le controversé Dan Gertler fait l’objet de nouvelles sanctions économiques aux Etats-Unis

RFI (March 9, 2021): US scraps Trump waiver for sanctions against Israeli mining mogul Gertler

RFI (March 9, 2021): RDC: les États-Unis rétablissent les sanctions contre le milliardaire israélien Dan Gertler

African Business (March 9, 2021): Can Tshisekedi clean up DRC’s mining sector?

Middle East Eye (March 9, 2021): Biden administration reinstates sanctions against Israeli mining tycoon

AFP (March 9, 2021): Washington sanctionne à nouveau un milliardaire israélien

Actualite.CD (March 9, 2021): RDC: l’administration Biden réactive les sanctions contre Dan Gertler

Bloomberg (March 8, 2021): Israeli Billionaire Loses Trump-Granted Sanction Reprieve

AFP (March 8, 2021): Changing Course, US Cracks Down On Israeli Billionaire Over DRC

Daily Maverick (March 8, 2021): President Biden forces Israeli mining magnate Dan Gertler back into Magnitsky Act straightjacket

African Business (March 7, 2021): March 2021 Edition: Mining

Agence Ecofin (March 5, 2021): RDC : les autorités interdisent l’exploitation minière dans un village du Sud-Kivu

The Africa Report (March 5, 2021): More than $4bn a year in high-risk gold flows from DRC, Uganda, Rwanda, CAR and others

Middle East Eye (March 4, 2021): Biden urged to reinstate sanctions on Israeli mining tycoon

African Business (March 2, 2021):Time to safeguard Africa’s elections

February 2021

Africa Confidential (February 26, 2021):Bank officials ‘expose money-laundering network’

RFI (February 26, 2021):RDC: qui peut retirer des millions à Afriland First Bank?

Mail & Guardian (February 26, 2021):Exposing a Congolese bank’s dirty secrets

RFI (February 25, 2021):USIP “북, 아프리카서 여전히 대북제재 위반”

Making a Killing Podcast (February 25, 2021):Making a Killing | Ep. 2: Marshall Billingslea on America’s Fight Against Dirty Money

OCCRP (February 25, 2021):Report: $4 Billion in African Conflict Gold Floods World Markets

actualité.cd (February 24, 2021):L’or des zones de conflit acheminé en contrebande depuis la RDC, la RCA, le Soudan et le Soudan du Sud injecte 4 milliards USD sur les marchés internationaux

Radio Dabanga (February 23, 2021):Conflict gold: New report urges tech, jewellery, financial, and auto industries to use ‘responsible’ sources

Bijzonderstrafrecht (February 21, 2021):Rapport: Corruption in the Great Lakes Region and Possible Ties to the Dutch Financial System

The New Humanitarian (February 18, 2021):Amid A Rebel Offensive, A Push For Justice In Central African Republic

Associated Press (February 10, 2021):Ethnic clashes in Darfur could reignite Sudan’s old conflict

The Jerusalem Post (February 5, 2021):US leaning towards reinstating sanctions on Israeli mining magnate Gertler

Daily Maverick (February 4, 2021):US Senators and Congresspeople ask Biden administration to reimpose sanctions on controversial billionaire Dan Gertler

Africa Intelligence (February 4, 2021):La martingale politique de l’homme d’affaires Roger Abotome

Africa Intelligence (February 4, 2021):Businessman Roger Abotome’s winning political formula

The East African (February 3, 2021):S. Sudan questions Transparency International graft report (February 3, 2021):États-Unis : trois sénateurs démocrates appellent l’administration Biden à révoquer « immédiatement » la licence de Dan Gertler

The East African (February 1, 2021):South Sudan ranked the most corrupt EA country, again

Libération (February 1, 2021):Centrafrique : entre les Casques bleus et les mercenaires russes, un flirt à haut risque

January 2021

Economist (January 30, 2021):“A tale of two billionaires Beny Steinmetz gets jail, Dan Gertler a reprieve”

Africa Calling Podcast (January 29, 2021):Ep15: Darfur interethnic violence, Nigeria security shakeup and Gambia groundnuts

NK News (January 29, 2021):Statues in Africa traced back to North Korean artists making money for regime

La Nouvelle Tribune (January 28, 2021):RDC : le cadeau de Trump au milliardaire Dan Gertler

RFI (January 28, 2021):Bashir’s militarisation of tribes behind recent violence in Sudan’s Darfur

OCCRP (January 27, 2021):Trump Quietly Eased Sanctions on Israeli Mining Tycoon Dan Gertler

The Times (January 26, 2021):Dan Gertler sanctions dropped by Donald Trump

AFP (January 26, 2021):After Trump eases them, Biden urged to reinstate sanctions on Israeli tycoon

JCK (January 26, 2021):Diamond Trader Dan Gertler Gets OFAC Sanctions Reprieve

Voice of America (January 26, 2021):To Benefit from Aid, Sudan Must Enact Tough Economic Reforms Quickly, Economist Says

The Africa Report (January 26, 2021):DRC : A final gift from Trump to the Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler?

Deutsche Welle (January 26, 2021):Contrats miniers, non à la corruption !

Deutsche Welle (January 26, 2021):Trump secretly eased sanctions against Israeli billionaire on way out

Bloomberg (January 25, 2021):Trump Gave Israeli Billionaire Dan Gertler Sanctions Reprieve (January 25, 2021):Trump eased sanctions on mining tycoon Dan Gertler before leaving office

Reuters (January 25, 2021):Trump administration quietly eased sanctions against Israeli mining magnate Gertler

RFI (January 25, 2021):RDC: des ONG dénoncent l’allègement par Trump des sanctions visant Dan Gertler

Middle East Eye (January 25, 2021):Trump administration eased sanctions against Israeli billionaire during final days

Financial Times (January 24, 2021):Dan Gertler wins reprieve from US sanctions over alleged Congo corruption

The New York Times (January 24, 2021):Trump Administration Quietly Eased Sanctions on Israeli Billionaire

The New Humanitarian (January 20, 2021):Ten humanitarian crises and trends to watch in 2021

The East African (January 20, 2021):No more visa on arrival for Kenyans travelling to S.Sudan


January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |

December 2020

Radio Monte Carlo International (December 31, 2020): مقابلة – سليمان بلدو:” الجيش السوداني فرض الأمر الواقع من خلال استرجاعه للأراضي على الحدود السودانية الإثيوبية “

AFP (December 28, 2020): C.Africa vote faces credibility question

Le Figaro (December 28, 2020): “Élections sous tension en Centrafrique “

وكالة المعلومة (December 27, 2020): ميدل ايست: الذهب الملطخ بالدماء يهرب من مناطق الصراع الى الامارات بتواطوء امريكي

Middle East Eye (December 26, 2020): Dubai Turned Into Hub For ‘Dirty Gold’ Report Shows But From Where?

Le Monde (December 26, 2020): En Centrafrique, le pari des élections à tout prix

Le Monde (December 26, 2020): En Centrafrique, le pari des élections à tout prix

AFP (December 25, 2020): Russian Role in C.Africa Grows Ahead of Weekend Vote

Financial Times (December 24, 2020): Russian troops and coup fears fuel tensions in Central African Republic election

Daily Beast (December 22, 2020): “Russian-linked trolls are waging disinformation warfare in multiple African nations, seeking to boost pro-Russia candidates in important elections. “

BBC Newshour (December 20, 2020): “Russian-linked trolls are waging disinformation warfare in multiple African nations, seeking to boost pro-Russia candidates in important elections. “

Radio Ndeke Luka (December 20, 2020): Déclaration des évêques de centrafrique relative aux tensions politico-militaires actuelles

AFP (December 19, 2020): Élections en Centrafrique : des Casques bleus déployés, l’ONU appelle au calme

AFP (December 19, 2020): Peacekeepers deploy in C. Africa as UN chief calls for calm

The Economist (December 17, 2020): “Gold bars In Congo’s gold rush, the money is in beer and brothels”

Corbeaunews Centrafrique (December 16, 2020): Le député Sébastien Nadot questionne le Ministre des affaires étrangères français sur la situation politique et sécuritaire en Centrafrique

Aljazeera (December 15, 2020): ‘Unacceptable’: Sudanese PM criticises army’s business interests

Africa Report (December 9, 2020): London Bullion Market clamps down on illicit gold trade

Neue Zürcher Zeitung (December 6, 2020): Ein Mann, ein Koffer, eine Million Dollar und ein Rätsel: Wieso stellt die kleine Schweizer Bank in Kinshasa keine Fragen?

AFP (December 3, 2020): L’ex-chef de l’Etat centrafricain François Bozizé privé de présidentielle

AFP (December 3, 2020): François Bozizé, putschiste récidiviste et sulfureux ou “homme de paix” ?

November 2020

National Committee on North Korea (November 24, 2020): SPECIAL REPORT: Understanding U.S. and International Sanctions on North Korea (November 20, 2020): Dubai’s DMCC alleges LBMA norms on gold sourcing targeted to undermine its success in bullion trade

Nigrizia (November 20, 2020): L’oro africano che finanzia i conflitti

NK News Podcast (November 17, 2020): Statues and sanctions: North Korea in Congo – NKNews Podcast Ep. 157

Voice of America (November 16, 2020): South Sudan in Focus

OCCRP (November 13, 2020): The Sentry: African Conflict Gold is Being Laundered in Dubai (November 12, 2020): LBMA comes up with new norms on gold sourcing, irks Indian bullion sector

Financial Times (November 12, 2020): London gold body warns trade centres over ethical sourcing (November 12, 2020): Or de conflit: plus de 3 milliards de dollars s’écoulent chaque année vers Dubaï en raison d’un conflit + zones à haut risque en Afrique centrale et de l’Est dont la RDC (Avis the Sentry)

Reuters (November 12, 2020): Exclusive: Gold market authority threatens to blacklist UAE and other centres

Accuity (November 12, 2020): Ask the Expert: Q&A with Grand Corruption and Financial Crime Investigator John Dell’Osso

Radio Tamazuj (November 11, 2020): SPLM-IO, NAS figured in illegal gold mining, smuggling, and trade

BBC World Service Radio (November 11, 2020): Newsday: Ethiopia crisis: Tigrayan population ordered to mobilise

African Business Magazine (November 4, 2020): Sudanese peace deal boosts hopes of South Sudan’s oil future

October 2020

Secret Défense (October 29, 2020): Paris évincé par Moscou en Centrafrique ?

RiskWatch Podcast (October 28, 2020): Making a Killing: South Sudanese Military Leaders’ Wealth, Explained

The New Humanitarian (October 23, 2020): A Libyan deal, an Ivoirien election, and a UN ‘separation’ in Uganda: The Cheat Sheet

US Embassy in Georgia (October 23, 2020): China’s development projects export environmental devastation

Deutsche Welle (October 22, 2020): US sanctions on Africa need an overhaul

AFP (October 22, 2020): France rejects Clooney NGO’s ‘unfounded’ claim on CAR role

Nigrizia (October 22, 2020): Centrafrica, uno stato fallito ostaggio dei contractor

Atlantic Council Issue Brief (October 22, 2020): Central African Republic: Ground zero for Russian influence in Central Africa

September 2020

PanAfricanVisions (September 24, 2020): South Sudan government officials embezzled $36M in last four years: UN panel says

JCK (September 24, 2020): How the FinCEN Leaks May Affect the Jewelry Business

Human Rights Watch (September 21, 2020): Non-Governmental Organizations, Faith-Based Groups, Legal Professionals, Experts, and Former Government Officials Unequivocally Oppose U.S. Sanctions Against the International Criminal Court

STAND Podcast (September 20, 2020): Democratic Republic of Congo Series Episodes 6 + 7

PanAfricanVisions (September 18, 2020): US imposes sanctions on firm linked to businessman close to South Sudan senior officials

Voice of America (September 11, 2020): South Sudan, Sudan Address Economic Crises

Relief Web (September 11, 2020): Joint NGO Statement: The Human Rights Council should support systemic human rights reforms in Sudan

Le Soir (September 5, 2020): Soudan: un an après sa nomination, le gouvernement de transition au pied du mur

NK News (September 4, 2020): North Korean statues are showing up in Africa – And they could be illegal

Nigrizia (September 3, 2020): Un importante passo verso la paceUn importante passo verso la pace

Radio Free Asia (September 3, 2020): “북, 민주콩고서 제재위반…허술한 감독체계 파고들어”

Le Monde (September 2, 2020): Soudan : accord de paix avec des groupes rebelles

The East African (September 1, 2020): Sudan signs peace deal with rebel groups, move hailed as sign of lasting change

The East African (September 1, 2020): Sudan signs peace deal with rebel groups, move hailed as sign of lasting change

August 2020

Associated Press / New York Times (August 31, 2020): Sudan, rebel alliance reach deal in ongoing peace efforts

AFP (August 28, 2020): In the Central Africa Republic, Mali’s coup stirs bad memories

Podcast “Bribe, Swindle, or Steal” (August 25, 2020): Laundering Looted Funds through African Real Estate

The Daily Nation (August 21, 2020): North Koreans used Congolese bank to launder money – report

VOA Afrique (August 20, 2020): Pourquoi des Nord-Coréens ont-ils fait ériger des statues dans la province du Haut-Lomami? (August 20, 2020): La Sentry se félicite de l’appel du groupe bipartite de sénateurs aux secrétaires d’État et au Trésor pour étendre les sanctions ciblées et se concentrer sur les réformes anti-corruption en RD Congo

Zoom eco (August 20, 2020): RDC : CNPV encourage la reforme du secteur bancaire pour préserver l’intégrité du système financier

Actualité.cd (August 20, 2020): Le “Congo n’est pas à vendre” exhorte le gouvernement à mettre fin aux schémas dangereux des banques congolaises

Munhwa (August 20, 2020): 조지 클루니 “북한의 민주콩고 인물상 건립은 대북제재 위반

VOA Afrique / AFP (August 20, 2020): Des Nord-Coréens utilisent les banques congolaises pour contourner les sanctions internationales, selon l’ONG Sentry

Bloomberg (August 20, 2020): Congo Bank May Be Breaking North Korea Sanctions, Group Says

Le Soir (August 20, 2020): RDC: l’ONG de Clooney appelle à l’annulation de contrats signés avec des Nord-Coréens

RFI (August 19, 2020): Comment deux entrepreneurs nord-coréens ont contourné les sanctions internationales en RDC

VOA Lingala (August 19, 2020): Corée du Nord elekaki na nzela ya ba banques ya RDC mpo kokota na système financier mondial (Sentry)

Reuters Africa (August 19, 2020): South Sudan central bank says foreign exchange reserves have run out

ACAMS (August 19, 2020): Congolese Bank Branch Gave North Koreans Access to Global Financial System: Report

VOA Lingala (August 19, 2020): Corée du Nord elekaki na nzela ya ba banques ya RDC mpo kokota na système financier mondial (Sentry)

Radio Free Asia (August 19, 2020): 북, 콩고서 건설회사 차려 사업 진행…대북제재 위반

AFP (August 19, 2020): Clooney Anti-corruption Group Blasts N Korea Contracts In DR Congo

Deadline (August 19, 2020): George Clooney-Backed Investigative Org Exposes North Korean Banking Scandal In DR Congo

Eye Radio (August 7, 2020): Kiir gives Igga green light to introduce economic reforms

Washington Institute for Near East Policy (August 5, 2020): Mapping Hezbollah’s Worldwide Activities

July 2020

RFI (July 29, 2020): DRC: Israel Kaseya, whistleblower or scammer at Access Bank?

The Geographical (July 22, 2020): New report reveals risk of links between Sudanese conflict gold and major companies

Voice of America (July 20, 2020): US Sanctions Aim to Keep Russian Financier from Meddling in Sudan’s Future

The Star Kenya (July 20, 2020): Nairobi named among top cities with stolen wealth in real estate

RFI (July 16, 2020): New US sanctions hit ‘Putin’s chef’ for threatening Sudan’s democracy

VICE News (July 13, 2020): Inside the Forgotten War in Darfur, Where the Killing Never Stopped

Voice of America (July 11, 2020): Nightline Africa

Voice of America (July 10, 2020): Sudan PM Shuffles Cabinet in Response to Protests

Radio Tamazuj (July 8, 2020): Central bank to buy gold in bid to raise revenue

June 2020

The Daily Nation (June 30, 2020): South Sudan’s Kiir picks governors for eight States

Voice of America (June 26, 2020): Analyst: Sudan Must Carry Out Reforms Before Donors Act on $1.8B in Pledges

The East African (June 19, 2020): How South Sudan military brass wrung state golden goose’s neck

America’s Roundtable Podcast (June 19, 2020): Debra LaPrevotte | Rule of Law — FBI Kleptocracy Program | Global Corruption

BBC World Service (June 16, 2020): Newsday, June 16, 2020

La Repubblica (June 14, 2020): Sud Sudan, tra i militari il malaffare premia la corruzione rampante delle élite che hanno in mano l’enonomia del Paese

Agence France-Presse (June 10, 2020): Darfur war crimes fugitive held in ICC custody

Associated Press/The New York Times (June 10, 2020): Sudan militia leader in custody on Darfur war crimes charges

May 2020

Le Vif (May 29, 2020): Congo-Kinshasa: jeux de pouvoir autour du “grand nettoyage”

Nile Post (May 29, 2020): Report pins Ugandan businessmen on working as proxies for South Sudan army generals

Sudan Tribune (May 28, 2020): U.S. Sentry alerts against corruption by South Sudan senior military leader

Eye Radio (May 27, 2020): Poorly paid but wealthy army generals – report

Gurtong (May 27, 2020): Sentry Highlights Their New Report On Corruption In South Sudan

Lejecos (May 18, 2020): La Corruption tueuse

Asociación Almendrón (May 18, 2020): Corrupción asesina

RFI (May 7, 2020): RDC: Harish Jagtani, l’homme d’affaires indien «ami» des Kabila?

The National (May 6, 2020): Warming US-Sudan ties are about more than just politics

April 2020

FINCast (April 29, 2020): Ep. 22 – Kleptocracy, Financial Crime and Instability

Public Now (April 28, 2020): U.S. Rep. Dean, Human Rights Activist Prendergast To Receive Honorary Degrees At Commencement

Public Radio of Armenia (April 27, 2020): Nominations open for 2021 Aurora Prize

Mongabay (April 25, 2020): Twelve rangers killed in latest Virunga Park incident

Congo Indépendant (April 18, 2020): Criminels en col blanc et banquiers: liaisons dangereuses

Ventures Africa (April 16, 2020): U.S. watchdog sounds alarm on mismanaged mining sector in South Sudan

Wilson Center (April 16, 2020): Targeted Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Measures in Support of Peace in South Sudan

The East African (April 14, 2020): Red flag up on South Sudan mining sector

OCCRP (April 6, 2020): NGO: South Sudan’s Graft-ridden Gold Mining Threatens the Peace

Radio Tamazuj (April 3, 2020): Kiir’s Daughter, Military Linked To Mining Sector Corruption: Report

Sudan Tribune (April 3, 2020): South Sudan president’s daughter involved in dirty mining deals of E. Equatoria: report

March 2020

The East African (March 19, 2020): Machar calls for united front against corruption in South Sudan

VOA News (March 11, 2020): South Sudan in Focus

Horizon Magazine (March 10, 2020): George Clooney and The Sentry

Radio Tamazuj (March 8, 2020): UK issues warning on dirty money from South Sudan

Sudan Tribune (March 7, 2020): UK’s agency warns on wave of dirty money from South Sudan

Eye Radio (March 7, 2020): UK issues a warning on dirty money from S. Sudan

Washington Times (March 5, 2020): Free of strongman, Sudan looks to US for financial relief

VICE News (March 1, 2020): South Sudan Is Collapsing Thanks to Corruption Over Oil

February 2020

Reuters (February 26, 2020): Sudan stumbles through transition without fresh donor help

Associated Press (February 22, 2020): South Sudan’s rivals form unity government meant to end war

New York Times (February 20, 2020): South Sudan’s Feuding Leaders Announce Unity Deal, Amid War Crimes Report

Fox News (February 17, 2020): Where is Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony?

The East African (February 16, 2020): To get off sanctions list, Sudan cuts rights deals with global players

Middle East Eye (February 15, 2020): Can South Sudan’s men of war lead the country to peace?

Associated Press / The New York Times (February 11, 2020): Official: Sudan to Hand Over Al-Bashir for Genocide Trial

Washington Post (February 11, 2020): Sudan official says government agrees to send suspected war criminals to International Criminal Court

Wall Street Journal (February 11, 2020): Sudan Agrees in Principle to Extradite Ex-Strongman Bashir for Prosecution

January 2020

Ozy (January 22, 2020): The Killers of Darfur Are Cashing In on Foreign Conflicts

BBC World Service (January 9, 2020): BBC Newsday 09 Jan 2020

Voice of America (January 8, 2020): VOA Daybreak

The Daily Nation (January 8, 2020): US sanctions South Sudan vice president over human rights

Associated Press (January 8, 2020): US Sanctions South Sudan’s Vice President Over Abuses

The East African (January 7, 2020): Food insecure South Sudan banks on oil money for agriculture



January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |

December 2019

Associated Press (December 26, 2019): Sudan’s Christians enjoy holiday amid hope for new freedoms

The Independent (December 22, 2019): ‘It’s our biggest employer’: How a lucrative war in Yemen fuels conflict in Darfur 2,000km away

The Independent (December 17, 2019): Genocide, gold and foreign wars: Sudan’s most feared commander speaks out

Daily Nation (December 16, 2019): Kiir and Machar threat to efforts for lasting peace in South Sudan

Sudan Tribune (December 16, 2019): U.S. sanctions South Sudan’s Defense, Cabinet Affairs ministers over peace

Voice of America (December 16, 2019): US Slaps Sanctions on 5 South Sudanese

Sudan Tribune (December 13, 2019): Delist Sudan from terror list but prepare sanctions against spoilers: U.S. groups

New York Times (December 13, 2019): Sudan’s Ousted Leader Is Sentenced to Two Years for Corruption

The Independent (December 11, 2019): ‘It’s like Bashir is still here’: Inside war-ravaged Darfur where deadly violence is killing the revolution

Associated Press (December 10, 2019): US sanctions 5 South Sudan agents it says killed 2 critics

Atlantic Council (December 6, 2019): Navigating Sudan’s Transition: A Conversation with Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok

BBC World Service (December 5, 2019): Suliman Baldo interview with BBC Newsday

Arcadia University (December 2, 2019): IPCR Celebrates 20 Years Of Changing The World

Sudan Tribune (December 2, 2019): Kiir’s office to unveil findings on The Sentry’s corruption report

November 2019

Radio Dabanga (November 29, 2019): Sudan Dissolves National Congress Party, Repeals Public Order Bill

Africa News (November 28, 2019): South Sudan: US piles pressure over unity govt formation [Morning Call]

Tuko (November 24, 2019): Gideon Moi named among tycoons doing business with war-ravaged South Sudan’s govt

Economist (November 24, 2019): Donald Trump uses sanctions more keenly than any of his predecessors

Eye Radio (November 24, 2019): Acting NRA boss makes suspicious bank transfers

Sudan Tribune (November 16, 2019): U.S advocacy group calls for pressure on S. Sudan leaders

JCK (November 15, 2019): The Kimberley Process Is Going Nowhere. Should We Care?

BBC World Service: Newsday (November 13, 2019): Why does Russia want to end the embargo on the Central African Republic’s diamonds?

The Independent: Newsday (November 13, 2019): Russia is trying to legalise African ‘blood diamonds’

New York Times (November 5, 2019): South Sudan Silences a Witness to Its Horrors

Anadolu Agency (November 1, 2019): Despite other rich resources, South Sudan’s oil may fuel war

October 2019

Radio Miraya (October 29, 2019): New Sentry Report Details Impact of Sanctions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Wall Street Journal (October 24, 2019): New Report Evaluates Sanctions Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Holland & Hart LLP (October 18, 2019): OFAC Sanctions “Sudanese Oligarch” for Fraud and Corrupt Dealings in South Sudan

Associated Press (October 16, 2019): Tensions high as South Sudan faces unity government deadline

Associated Press (October 13, 2019): Sudan, rebel groups set to begin peace talks – Here’s what you should know

Radio Tamazuj (October 11, 2019): US sanctions two businessmen in South Sudan for alleged corruption

Wall Street Journal (October 11, 2019): U.S. Warns South Sudan May Face Sanctions

Business Day (October 8, 2019): South Sudan oil investment could turn out to be a risky bet for SA

Associated Press (October 8, 2019): Company making Costco pajamas flagged for forced labor

OCCRP (October 8, 2019): The Sentry Report: Time to Stop Al-Cardinal 

RUSI – Suspicious Transaction Report Podcast (October 7, 2019): Episode 03: Is a New Approach Needed?

Wall Street Journal (October 2, 2019): Top U.S. Sanctions Chief to Leave Trump Administration for Private Sector

JCK (October 2, 2019): Customs Cracking Down on Imports of Congo Gold, Marange Diamonds

BBC World Service (October 2, 2019): BBC interview with Sasha Lezhnev. (Interview starts at 41:34)

September 2019

Sudan Tribune (September 28, 2019): US reviewing The Sentry’s report on corruption in S. Sudan

U.S. Department of State (September 28, 2019): The Sentry Report on Corruption in South Sudan (September 25, 2019): Poor Due Diligence Facilitated South Sudanese Graft and Laundering Scheme: Sources

Eye Radio (September 24, 2019): Moi’s son denies looting S Sudan riches

CNN New Day (September 23, 2019): George Clooney’s call for action in South Sudan

CNN (September 23, 2019): George Clooney’s warning on South Sudan

The East African (September 23, 2019): Web of deceit keeping South Sudan war alive

Spiegel (September 23, 2019): Report über Bürgerkriegsprofiteure Krieg im Südsudan – ein Bombengeschäft

Kenya’s Daily Nation (September 23, 2019): Report accuses Gideon Moi of making money off war-ravaged S. Sudan

Globalist (September 21, 2019): Dateline South Sudan: Grand Corruption’s Partners

BBC Newsday (September 20, 2019): George Clooney tells Newsday about those profiting from conflict in South Sudan

BBC TV (September 20, 2019): Interview with George Clooney and John Prendergast

Voice of America (September 20, 2019): Watchdog Report Claims Profiteers Have Looted Billions From South Sudan

ITV (September 20, 2019): George Clooney’s investigative group Sentry warns of South Sudan’s ‘corrupt’ government

New York Times (September 19, 2019): South Sudan Oil Consortium Funded Militias Accused of Atrocities, Report Says

Foreign Policy (September 19, 2019): Foreign Investors Fueled Violence and Corruption in South Sudan, Report Finds

Economist (September 19, 2019): South Sudan’s war has cooled

Mail & Guardian (September 19, 2019): ‘JZ’s pilot’ joins South Sudan’s secret police

AFP (September 19, 2019): Clooney group calls for action in S Sudan corruption report

Associated Press (September 19, 2019): Watchdog says global oil consortium hurting South Sudan

August 2019

Associated Press (August 27, 2019): Sudanese face daunting challenges on path to democracy

Associated Press (August 17, 2019): Sudanese protesters sign final power-sharing deal with army

New York Times (August 17, 2019): Sudan Erupts in Celebration After Army and Civilians Agree to Share Power

Voice of America (August 15, 2019): US Imposes Travel Ban on Sudan’s Former Security Chief

The East African (August 15, 2019): US slaps sanctions on Sudan’s former spymaster Salah

The Times (August 11, 2019): Smuggling claims cast shadow over Brexit’s £8m diamond geezer Arron Banks

Voice of America (August 9, 2019): South Sudan In Focus

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (August 9, 2019): Policy, Guns and Money: Fuel security, India, Africa and more

BBC World Service (August 6, 2019): Newsday

Associated Press (August 6, 2019): A New Strongman in Sudan? Experts Aren’t So Sure

La Libre Afrique (August 5, 2019): RDC : L’ONG de George Clooney accuse le clan Kabila

El Venezolano (August 1, 2019): Aviones de reconocida aerolínea panameña trasladaron oro venezolano a Turquía en medio de denuncias

July 2019

Financial Crime News (July 30, 2019): Interview with the Sentry’s Joshua White and Megha Swamy

Foreign Policy (July 26, 2019): U.S. Balked at Sanctions on Sudan

OCCRP (July 17, 2019): Sprouting Weapons of War

KickBack – The Global Anticorruption Podcast (July 8, 2019): Debra LaPrevotte on being an FBI agent, asset recovery, safe havens for kleptocrats & war crimes

African Business (July 8, 2019): Sudan’s gold: Hemedti’s untold power

BBC/PRI’s The World with Marco Werman (July 5, 2019): A deal reached in Sudan

June 2019

African News Agency (June 19, 2019): Despite signing of peace agreement South Sudan’s economy continues to deteriorate

Mondiaal Nieuws (June 19, 2019): Jean-Jacques Lumumba: ‘Corruptie is rem op ontwikkeling van het Afrikaanse continent’

Europa Press (June 14, 2019): Mueren trece personas a causa de un derrumbe en una mina de oro en el noreste de RDC

Voice of America (June 13, 2019): Africa 54: Interview with John Dell’Osso

AFP (June 12, 2019): US names envoy to find ‘peaceful political solution’ in Sudan: official

AFP (June 11, 2019): Clooney urges action on Sudan generals’ assets

VoA Afrique (June 11, 2019): Les investissements secrets de la famille Kabila – Entretien

Deutsche Welle (June 3, 2019): La corruption répandue chez les politiques africains

May 2019 (May 25, 2019): Rapport The Sentry : L’os du mépris jeté en pâture à l’opinion » (Tribune de Daniel Ngoie)

Desk Eco (Congo) (May 25, 2019): RDC : Les 4 recommandations de « The Sentry » à l’issue de l’ enquête sur « Kwanza Capital »

Financial Afrik (May 24, 2019): Joseph Kabila accusé d’avoir voulu faire main basse sur les banques congolaises

The Africa Report (May 24, 2019): DRC: ex-president Joseph Kabila’s attempt to buy Congolese banks

Deutsche Welle (May 24, 2019): Joseph Kabila rattrapé par un nouveau scandale

VoA Lingala (May 23, 2019): Kabila na bato baye balingaki kozwa ba banques banso na maboko na bango

VoA Afrique (May 23, 2019): Les investissements secrets des Kabilas

VoA Portugues (May 23, 2019): Empresa de Bastos de Morais citada em caso de lavagem de dinheiro na RDC

RFI (France) (May 23, 2019): RDC: un rapport de l’ONG Sentry met en cause la gestion du clan Kabila

The Economist (May 23, 2019): How can Uganda export so much more gold than it mines?

AFP (May 22, 2019): RDC: des proches de Kabila ont tenté de mettre la main sur un quart du secteur bancaire du pays

ACAMS (May 22, 2019): Congolese Firm Served as ‘Cash Machine’ and Waypoint for Corruption: Report

Jeune Afrique (May 22, 2019): RDC : quand le clan Kabila voulait racheter les banques congolaises

YouTube: Livestream (May 22, 2019): Covert Capital: Illicit Finance in DR Congo

Atlantic Council (May 22, 2019): Covert Capital: Illicit Finance in the DR Congo (May 22, 2019): La famille de Joseph Kabila de nouveau indexée dans un rapport sur le blanchiment d’argent (May 22, 2019): La famille Kabila a tenté de s’approprier un quart du secteur bancaire de la RDC (The Sentry)

PML Daily (May 20, 2019): INVESTIGATION: The boom in Uganda’s real estates, bridging opportunities for money launderers

April 2019

de Standaard (April 20, 2019): ‘Gold is a dirty business, even if I do say so myself’

Reuters (April 17, 2019): South Sudan economy to rebound on oil output, peace deal, finance minister says

AFP (April 15, 2019): Sudan leaders face pressure for transfer to civilian rule

Sudan Tribune (April 15, 2019): U.S. activists call for international measures to prevent capital flight from Sudan

Bloomberg (April 12, 2019): Sudan’s Dictator Is Toppled, but His Regime Remains

AFP (April 12, 2019): Ibn Ouf, regime insider turned new Sudan ruler

CNN International (April 12, 2019): Sudan in crisis

New York Times (April 12, 2019): Sudan General Steps Down as Transitional Leader a Day After al-Bashir’s Ouster

March 2019

East African (March 24, 2019): With zero Senators, DRC president faces litmus test of legitimacy

Aftonbaldet (March 18, 2019): Wallström i möte med världsstjärnan

Arshaq Al-Awsat (March 1, 2019): US Organization Criticizes Washington’s Spurring Investment in Sudan

February 2019

North Africa Post (February 13, 2019): South Sudan to produce 350,000 bpd by 2020

WorldECR (February 13, 2019): Interview: Brad Brooks-Rubin of the Enough Project and The Sentry

January 2019

FBI Retired Case File Review (January 30, 2019): Debra LaPrevotte – Kleptocracy, International Corruption, and Recovering Human Remains

Le Monde (January 30, 2019): A Kharthoum, la Centrafrique se cherche un chemin vers la paix

Voice of America (January 10, 2019): Western Powers Voice Skepticism, Concern Over DRC Election Results



February | March | May | June | August | September | October | November | December |

December 2018

Liberation (December 28, 2018): RDC : La fraude, éternelle participante

BBC (December 28, 2018): DR Congo elections: Why do voters mistrust electronic voting?

Wall Street Journal (December 17, 2018): U.S. Targets Corporate Networks Amid Sanctions Push in South Sudan

The Age (December 17, 2018): African general pinged by George Clooney loses case against police

Haaretz (December 15, 2018): U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Retired Israeli General Over Role in South Sudan’s Civil War

Economist (December 15, 2018): South Sudan’s neighbours help launder the loot from its civil war

Associated Press (December 14, 2018): US sanctions 3 over activities in South Sudan’s civil war

November 2018

AFP (November 21, 2018): S Sudan woos investors as peace deal revives oil industry

The Age (November 19, 2018): South Sudanese general caught by George Clooney ‘laundering’ money in Melbourne

Le Monde (November 8, 2018): Au Soudan du Sud, il est plus juste de parler de partage du gâteau que d’accord de paix

Metal Miner (November 8, 2018): Conflict Gold Could Be Entering the U.S. Market Via Major Companies

Spend Matters (November 6, 2018): Study – Conflict gold from Africa may be in U.S. markets, passing through major companies

October 2018

East African (October 27, 2018): Politics overlaps with banking in South Sudan

De Morgen (October 25, 2018): Is Belgische miljonair spil in goudsmokkel uit Congolees conflictgebied?

Brussells Times (October 24, 2018): Illegally exported Congolese gold refined by factory owned by Belgian Alain Goetz

Chemical Watch (October 24, 2018): Conflict gold reaching US company supply chains, says NGO report

Belga News Agency (October 24, 2018): De l’or congolais exporté illégalement raffiné par l’usine d’Alain Goetz selon une ONG

Standard (October 7, 2018): Exclusive – Elites who loot South Sudan to live large in Nairobi

Foreign Policy (October 5, 2018): Remember South Sudan? Washington Would Prefer Not to

September 2018

New York Times – Nick Kristof’s Sunday Newsletter (September 16, 2018): Go after the money to stop human rights crimes

La Libre (September 14, 2018): RDC : « Il faut des sanctions financières contre Kabila et les siens » pour The Sentry

Washington Post (September 10, 2018): The U.S. is warning Congo that using electronic voting machines could backfire

August 2018

Public Finance International (August 16, 2018): DR Congo must step up efforts to tackle economic crime, says think-tank

June 2018

RFI (June 21, 2018): Machine à voter en RDC: un collectif américain met en garde contre le piratage

Associated Press (June 21, 2018): Voting machines raise worries in Congo ahead of elections

RFI (June 15, 2018): Ouganda/Kenya: Washington demande des mesures contre les leaders sud-soudanais

AFP (June 14, 2018): US calls for crackdown on S. Sudan war money invested in Kenya

Daily Nation (June 13, 2018): Kenya urged to seize assets of S.Sudan leaders

Wall Street Journal (June 11, 2018): U.S. Warns Banks About Human Rights Abusers, Imposes Sanctions

Associated Press (June 11, 2018): US Urges Regional Governments to Block South Sudan War Money

May 2018 (May 18, 2018): Inside the investigation targeting Narre Warren homeowners from war-torn South Sudan

ABC (May 13, 2018): Court document sheds new light on alleged money laundering case involving former South Sudanese military general

Jeune Afrique (May 5, 2018): Francis Selemani Mtwale, proche de Joseph Kabila, quitte la direction générale de BGFIBank au Congo

AFP (May 4, 2018): L’ONG de Clooney épingle une banque pro-Kabila

La Libre (May 3, 2018): RDC: une ONG américaine appelle à des sanctions contre la BGFI

March 2018

AFP (March 21, 2018): US restricts trade with South Sudanese oil firms

Associated Press (March 21, 2018): US pressures South Sudan’s oil sector over civil war

Axios (March 11, 2018): Report – South Sudan’s elite are using oil to fund conflict

Voice of America (March 6, 2018): Report – Some Top Officials in South Sudan Profit from War Proceeds

RFI (March 6, 2018): South Sudan’s oil company used to fund militia, reports claim (March 6, 2018): Activists Accuse South Sudan Of Using Oil Wealth For War Crimes

Bloomberg (March 6, 2018): South Sudan Oil Linked to Militias Needs Oversight, Groups Say

Radio Tamazuj (March 6, 2018): South Sudan’s elite used oil to fund deadly militias, get richer – report

Sudan Tribune (March 5, 2018): South Sudan elites using oil money to fund militias and get rich, says report

Associated Press (March 5, 2018): South Sudan Oil Money Corruptly Funds Civil War, Say Reports

Reuters (March 5, 2018): Activists Accuse South Sudan of Using Oil Cash to Fund Conflict

February 2018

Daily Mail (February 9, 2018): African general’s Melbourne mansion faces police seizure after tip off from an anti-corruption group headed by George Clooney

Herald Sun (February 9, 2018): Police move to seize ex-South Sudanese General’s $1.5m Narre Warren mansion


November 2017

Horizon Magazine (November 9, 2017): George Clooney and The Sentry Investigate War Crimes

Inside Philanthropy (November 2, 2017): Leveraging for Peace – A Movie Star Fights African War Profiteers

October 2017

The Chronicle of Philanthropy (October 30, 2017): George Clooney Gives $1 Million

Associated Press (October 30, 2017): Clooney Donates $1M to Combat Corruption in Africa

Variety (October 25, 2017): George Clooney Donates $1 Million to Counter War Crimes and Corruption in Africa

BBC (October 25, 2017): Clooney donates $1m to fight war criminals

Fox News (October 16, 2017): Congo bank helped Hezbollah-linked company avoid US sanctions, report says

Associated Press (October 13, 2017): Oil-rich South Sudan faces fuel shortage as ‘people suffer

June 2017

Sudan Tribune (June 1, 2017): S. Sudanese army general embezzled millions: report

RFI (June 1, 2017): Soudan du Sud: les pratiques douteuses d’un général de l’armée

DPA (June 1, 2017): NGO Accuses South Sudanese General Of Amassing Fortune During War

El Pais (June 1, 2017): Los militares de Sudán del Sur se lucran con la hambruna

May 2017 (May 31, 2017): South Sudanese Military Leader Accused of Corruption and Money Laundering

Romsdals Budstikke (May 31, 2017): Rapport: Sørsudansk general har tjent en formue under krigen

Voice of America (May 31, 2017): South Sudan General Accused of Using Position to Gain Millions

Huffington Post (May 10, 2017): Why South Sudan’s Leaders Are Fueling The Implosion Of Their Own Country

March 2017

Reuters (March 16, 2017): Actor George Clooney blames South Sudan famine on nation’s elite

Washington Post (March 9, 2017): South Sudan’s Government-made Famine

New York Times (March 4, 2017): War Consumes South Sudan, a Young Nation Cracking Apart

October 2016

Cocktail Banter Podcast (October 24, 2016): War Crimes Shouldn’t Pay

September 2016

Washington Post (September 24, 2016): South Sudan’s top-down disaster

Africa Confidential (September 22, 2016): Salva and Riek on the Dock

Observer (September 19, 2016): South Sudanese generals splash money in Uganda

Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace (September 18, 2016): George Clooney on exposing corruption in South Sudan

Sudan Tribune (September 18, 2016): Kenya bank linked to money laundering from South Sudan

Fox News Insider (September 18, 2016): Clooney: Ending South Sudan’s Corruption is Important to US Nat’l Sec.

CNBC Africa (September 17, 2016): South Sudan: Actor George Clooney vs the Kleptocrats

PBS Newshour (September 17, 2016): South Sudan leader denies getting rich off civil war

East African (September 17, 2016): South Sudan elites wined and dined as the country burned

BBC (September 16, 2016): South Sudan refugees reach one million mark

Der Spiegel (September 15, 2016): Die Villen der Warlords

International Business Times (September 15, 2016): 3 things we learned about South Sudan leaders profiteering from civil war

Reuters (September 14, 2016): South Sudanese Authorities Close Prominent Newspaper

Associated Press (September 14, 2016): South Sudan newspaper shut down after corruption report

FCPA Blog (September 14, 2016): George Clooney on South Sudan: War crimes shouldn’t pay

Guardian (September 14, 2016): South Sudanese general paid $1.5m for Melbourne home, says war profiteering report

ABC Australia (September 14, 2016): South Sudan report driven by George Clooney and Don Cheadle alleges profiteering by leaders

SBS Australia (September 13, 2016): George Clooney heads up South Sudan corruption probe targeting Australia

IRIN News (September 13, 2016): How South Sudan’s leaders robbed their country – and nearly got away with it

Al Jazeera (September 13, 2016): Inside Story – Are South Sudan’s leaders benefitting from conflict?

Daily Beast (September 13, 2016): George Clooney’s War on Kleptocracy In South Sudan

ABC News (September 12, 2016): George Clooney Unveils Undercover Investigation of South Sudan’s Top Leaders

Washington Post (September 12, 2016): Cause Celeb – George Clooney, Don Cheadle present report on war crimes in South Sudan

Deutsche Welle (September 12, 2016): South Sudan’s leaders enriching themselves at country’s expense: report

Quartz Africa (September 12, 2016): South Sudan’s leaders have been making millions of dollars form a conflict which has killed thousands

Christian Science Monitor (September 12, 2016): Should other countries do more to thwart corruption in South Sudan?

Voice of America (September 12, 2016): Rights Group Accuses South Sudan Leaders of War Profiteering

Independent (September 12, 2016): George Clooney accuses South Sudan’s leaders of profiting from war

Foreign Policy (September 12, 2016): South Sudan’s Leaders Made War — and Many Millions of Dollars

People Magazine (September 12, 2016): George Clooney Unveils Groundbreaking Investigation into War Profiteering in South Sudan

Newsweek (September 12, 2016): How George Clooney’s Investigative Unit Exposed South Sudan Leaders’ Dirty Money

TIME (September 12, 2016): George Clooney’s Group Tracked South Sudanese Leaders Using Instagram

Al Jazeera (September 12, 2016): S Sudan leaders ‘profit’ as country suffers during war

TIME (September 12, 2016): George Clooney Helps Reveal How South Sudan’s Civil War Has Enriched Leaders

Guardian (September 12, 2016): George Clooney-backed report: South Sudan president profits from civil war

PRI’s The World (September 12, 2016): Clooney’s group says South Sudan leaders get rich from brutal civil war

Bloomberg View (September 12, 2016): Saving South Sudan From Its Founding Fathers

Reuters (September 12, 2016): Clooney, Cheadle urge action to stop pilfering of South Sudan resources

BBC (September 12, 2016): South Sudan’s Kiir and Machar profited during war – report

AFP (September 12, 2016): South Sudan officials get rich from brutal war: report

Associated Press (September 12, 2016): Report: South Sudan Leaders Amass Wealth as Country Burns

PBS Newshour (September 12, 2016): South Sudan leaders used chaos of war to loot billions, investigation reveals

NPR All Things Considered (September 12, 2016): Report Reveals Corruption At Root Of South Sudan’s Power Struggle

CNN: THE LEAD (September 12, 2016): Clooney lends star power to expose war profiteering

Washington Post (September 12, 2016): As the world’s newest country slipped into chaos, its leaders stole millions, report says

Wall Street Journal (September 12, 2016): South Sudan Leaders Sending Millions in Ill-Gotten Wealth Abroad, Report Says

New York Times (September 12, 2016): South Sudan Leaders Amass Great Wealth as Nation Suffers, Report Says