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Explore The Sentry’s other reporting on Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organisation.


Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) likely has a secret stream of money, The Sentry has found. Publicly available information suggests that the CIO controls Terrestrial Holdings, a business conglomerate of companies involved in hemp, solar energy, coal mining, tourism, and golf.

The CIO’s remit includes both domestic and international intelligence matters, and its agents have been accused of partisan and violent behavior in the past. For instance, in the 2023 election, one of the agency’s leaders helped establish a ruling party affiliate criticized for intimidating rural voters.

While the bulk of the CIO’s funds come from the official budget, the agency—which has a dedicated investment branch—has been known to engage in private business ventures as a source of off-budget financing. In the past, CIO joint ventures have been involved in mushroom farming, exporting baby elephants, and diamond mining. Most recently, CIO-linked companies Terrestrial Mining and Whitelime Mining have been awarded coal mining concessions covering 50,000 hectares near Lake Kariba in western Zimbabwe, an area close to large proposed and existing coal-fired power plants. A representative for both Terrestrial Holdings and Terrestrial Mining said that claims of CIO control or ownership were not true.

The existence of an autonomous CIO business network matters because the agency—which has reportedly engaged in election-related intimidation—requires civilian control, including full financial oversight and transparency, to prevent abuse. Security forces with their own sources of revenue can more easily go rogue.

CIO-Linked Companies in Zimbabwe
Name Company Number/Year Standing
Terrestrial Holdings unknown, records missing at registry Active
Terrestrial Mining 14849/2020 Active
Whitelime Mining 28910/2008 Active
Chimanimani Logistics unknown, records missing at registry Active
Chapel Mining 5730/2010 Possibly dormant or defunct
Sino Zim Development 1788/2010 Possibly dormant or defunct
Sino Zim Cotton Holdings 1708/2010 Possibly dormant or defunct
Sino Zim Diamonds 8915/2007 Possibly dormant or defunct
Terrestrial Safaris 5929/2011 Possibly dormant or defunct
Rudgold Investments 4960/2012 Possibly dormant or defunct
Dashville Enterprises 8384/2012 Possibly dormant or defunct
Todware Investments 12801/2005 Possibly dormant or defunct



The government of Zimbabwe

The government of Zimbabwe should dissolve the CIO’s businesses, wind up its investment branch, and ensure through appropriate national security legislation that there is, in future, just one source of revenue for the agency, voted for by Parliament in the annual budgeting process. This would enable better oversight and accountability and allow for security priorities to be balanced against other civilian funding requirements during the budgeting process.

The government should introduce an online, public corporate registry of directors and beneficial owners to replace Zimbabwe’s difficult-to-access paper-based system in which up-to-date information is often missing. At present, the records for Terrestrial Holdings and Chimanimani Logistics are missing from the company registry, while the records for Whitelime Mining appear to be out of date.

Banks and commercial counterparties

Banks and firms doing business with Terrestrial Holdings and related companies should conduct enhanced due diligence—consistent with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights—into the ownership structure of the entity to identify and mitigate risks associated with direct or indirect support for a state security agency whose members are accused of human rights abuses and undermining democracy.

Companies operating in Zimbabwe’s coal mining sector should conduct ongoing due diligence consistent with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals From Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, with particular attention paid to identifying and mitigating risks associated with direct or indirect support for the state security agency, whose members are accused of human rights abuses and undermining democracy.


Source Material

Clip from Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy inquiry into missing diamond revenue, 2018

Zimbabwe Government Gazette, 15 October 2021, naming Whitelime Mining

Zimbabwe Government Gazette, 15 October 2021, naming Terrestrial Mining

Terrestrial Mining Company Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details 

Sino Zim Cotton Holdings Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Chapel Mining Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Sino Zim Capital Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Sino Zim Development Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Sino Zim Resources Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Whitelime Mining Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

CBZ Bank list of POS locations, 2021 

Sino Zim Diamonds Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Kusena Diamonds Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Attendees at UNODC conference, 2011

Dashville Enterprises Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Terrestrial Safaris Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

LinkedIn bio, listing Sino Zim Development Group and subsidiaries 

Rudgold Investments Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Speaker biographies for ITU event, Machengete lists board directorships 

Sino Zim Development Pte, Singapore, 2009 accounts.

Sino Zim Diamond Ltd, Hong Kong, Annual Return 2012

Sino Zim Development Pte, Singapore, 2009 Memorandum of Association.

RBZ governor speech, 2004, names Kamba

Tripartite Development Pte (formerly named Sino Zim Development Pte), Register of Directors 2021

Hong Kong Court judgment 2018, explaining role of Sam Pa and other non-Zimbabwean directors of Sino Zim network

GMB board member bios, explaining Machenegete’s role in President’s Department

POTRAZ announcement, explaining Machenegete’s role as Director of Finance in the President’s Department

Attendees at COP28 climate conference 2023, naming Emanuel Makaripe attending (line 24403, sheet ‘Parties’)

Todware Investments Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details

Mutyork Investments Pvt Ltd, corporate registry details 

Cache of Terrestrial Holdings website before deletion, 2023

Court judgment related to events at the CIO, names an “L Mafurirano.”