Corruption Threatens Libya’s Derna Again

Azerbaijan’s Enablers

Exposing the Team That Helped Construct and Maintain the Aliyev Empire

Francis Selemani Selling South African Properties Likely Purchased With Embezzled Funds

South African Behind Zimbabwe’s Oil Pipeline Plan Involved in Ghana Fraud Scandal

European Union

Increase Financial Pressure on the Fighting Parties in Sudan

$1.6 Billion Paid to Mystery Shareholders by Zimbabwe Sovereign Wealth Fund

The CIO’s Business Network

Forever Associates Zimbabwe

Libya’s Kleptocratic Boom

Fronts, Fakes, and Façades

How South African and Mauritian Enablers Helped Move Millions From Zimbabwe to Britain

Architects of Terror

The Wagner Group's Blueprint for State Capture in the Central African Republic

Architectes de terreur

Comment le Groupe Wagner renforce son emprise sur l’État en République centrafricaine

Spincash Machine

Payments to Zimbabwe's President’s Farm and Vice President’s Associate Followed a $120 Million Chrome Deal

Crude Dealings

How Oil-Backed Loans Raise Red Flags for Illegal Activity in South Sudan

Trafic d’influence

Mainmise sur l’État et pots-de-vin derrière le contrat du siècle au Congo

Gaming the System

How a Canadian Mining Giant Undermined the Law in the DRC

Détournement du système

comment un géant minier canadien s’est joué de la loi en RDC

Undercover Activities

Inside the National Security Service's Profitable Playbook

Cash Grab

How a Billion-Dollar Credit Scam Robbed South Sudan of Fuel, Food, and Medicine

Constructing Corruption

Identifying the Enablers Helping Build Violent Kleptocracies

Getting Responsible

Rules of Engagement in the Proxy War for Economic Access

Legal Tender?

The Role of Sakunda and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe in Command Agriculture

A Reinvigorated US Anti-Corruption Strategy for Africa

Congo Hold-up

Africa’s Biggest-Ever Data Leak

Un empire détourné

Des millions de dollars planqués dans l’immobilier international par le frère de Kabila

The Backchannel

State Capture and Bribery in Congo's Deal of the Century

Embezzled Empire

How Kabila’s Brother Stashed Millions in Overseas Properties

A Strategy for Revitalizing Sudan’s Democratic Transition

Kenya Illicit Finance Risks and Assessment

Sanctioned South Sudanese Businessmen Are Skirting US Sanctions

Sudan Banking Sector Reforms and Asset Recovery

Culture de la violence

Le Groupe Castel, géant français du sucre et des boissons, lié au financement de milices armées en République centrafricaine

Cultivating Atrocities

French Sugar and Beverage Giant Castel Group Linked to the Funding of Brutal Militias in Central African Republic

Shadows and Shell Games

Uncovering an Offshore Business Empire in Zimbabwe

Investigative Report by CNN with The Sentry : Wagner Group Atrocities

Sudan Struggles to Control Its Parastatals

The Metamorphosis of Ali Khalil Merhi

How a One-Time Fugitive Found Fortune in South Sudan

Using Financial Pressures to Combat Kleptocracy in Africa

Sudan’s Exchange Rate: How to Sustain Progress and Preempt Risks

Conflict Gold to Responsible Gold

A Roadmap for Companies & Governments

Fingerprints and Money Trails

DRC’s Election Chief Cuts Deals on Both Ends of the 2018 Vote

Dans le flou en RDC

Le chef de la Céni fait des affaires autour du vote de 2018

Artful Dodgers

New Findings on North Korean Sanctions-Busting in the Democratic Republic of Congo

L’art et l’artifice

Découverte de nouvelles violations de sanctions par la Corée du Nord en République démocratique du Congo

Safe Harbor No More

The UK and International Kleptocracy

Corruption in the Great Lakes Region

and Possible Ties to the Dutch Financial System

Understanding Money Laundering Risks in the Conflict Gold Trade

From East and Central Africa to Dubai and Onward

State of Prey

Proxies, Predators, and Profiteers in the Central African Republic

État de prédation

La République centrafricaine otage des proxys et des profiteurs de guerre

Looted Funds Used to Buy African Real Estate

Explore the Series:

The Taking of South Sudan

Making a Killing

South Sudanese Military Leaders' Wealth, Explained

Targeted Network Sanctions in Africa and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Untapped and Unprepared

Dirty Deals Threaten South Sudan's Mining Sector

Beyond Carrots, Better Sticks

Measuring and Improving the Effectiveness of Sanctions in Africa


South Sudan's Original Oligarch

Overt Affairs

How North Korean Businessmen Busted Sanctions in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Affaires risquées

Des entrepreneurs nord-coréens enfreignent des sanctions internationales en République démocratique du Congo

The Taking of South Sudan

The Tycoons, Brokers, and Multinational Corporations Complicit in Hijacking the World's Newest Nation

A Modernized U.S. Policy for Sudan

Consequences for Kleptocrats

Financial Pressures to Support Peace in South Sudan

Covert Capital

The Kabila Family’s Secret Investment Bank

Prosecute the Profiteers

Following the Money to Support War Crimes Accountability

Sudan’s Anti-Corruption Whitewash

The Bashir Regime's Hollow Commitment to Combating Illicit Finance

Together on the Front Lines

Working With Banks to Stop the Flow of Dirty Money Funding Africa's Deadliest Conflicts

Fear, Inc.

War Profiteering in the Central African Republic and the Bloody Rise of Abdoulaye Hissène

Le règne de la terreur, un business florissant en République centrafricaine

Itinéraire d’un chef de guerre, ministre et homme d’affaires Abdoulaye Hissène

Banking on War

Ending the abuse of South Sudan’s banking sector by political elites and pushing for peace

“The Profiteers”: Documentary Shines New Light on South Sudan’s Neighbors’ Role in the Conflict

The Golden Laundromat

The Conflict Gold Trade from Eastern Congo to the United States and Europe

Delays and Red Flags

Elections in DR Congo

A Window for Kleptocrats

Weak AML/CFT framework implementation in DR Congo creates money laundering and terrorist financing opportunities

Electronic Voting Technology DRC

Security Vulnerabilities and Déjà Vu

East Africa’s Leverage for Peace

Target Real Estate in Kenya and Uganda Connected to South Sudan’s Spoilers

Bank Scandal in Congo

Urgent Action Needed to Hold BGFIBank DRC to Account for New “Terrorist Treasury” Revelations, Hezbollah Financier Links

Fueling Atrocities: Oil and War in South Sudan

The Terrorists’ Treasury

How a Bank Linked to Congo’s President Enabled Hezbollah Financiers to Bust U.S. Sanctions

Making a Fortune While Making a Famine

The illustrative case of a South Sudanese general

War Crimes Shouldn’t Pay

Stopping the looting and destruction in South Sudan